我正在使用屏蔽文本框来允许用户输入序列号。问题是这个序列号必须通过电话传达,人们似乎很难区分 O 和 0 以及 I 和 1。
我认为一个好的解决方案可能是突出显示文本框中的哪些字符是数字字符(而不是字母字符)。显然,如果不使用 Richtextbox 就无法做到这一点,然后我就失去了屏蔽能力。
有人能想出一个好的解决方案吗? (将字体更改为带有斜线 0 的字体会有所帮助,但对 I 和 1 没有帮助)
I am using a masked text box to allow users to enter a serial number. The problem is that this serial number has to be communicated over the phone and people seem to be having trouble differentiating between O and 0 and I and 1.
I thought that a good solution to this might be some way of highlighting which characters in the textbox were numeric characters (as opposed to alphabetic characters). Obviously there is no way to do this without using a richtextbox and then I lose the masking ability.
Can anyone think of a good solution to this? (Changing the font to one that has a slashed 0 would help but not for I and 1)
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选择带有斜线零和带有衬线的 1 的字体。为了避免将 I 与 1 混淆,您可以使用小写字母来表示带点的 i。
甚至更好...避免序列号中出现 1,0,I 和 O...?
Go for a font with a slashed zero and a 1 with serifs. To stop confusing the I with 1, you could use lower case letters to have a dotted i.
Better even... avoid 1,0,I and O in your serial numbers...?