是否可以在 iPhone 或 iPad 上查看数字签名的 pdf?
当我尝试在 UIWebView 中查看示例数字签名 pdf 时,我得到空白页。页数是正确的,但全是空白。
正常的 pdf 文件可以正确显示。
我不是在寻找签署 pdf,只是查看签署的 pdf。
When I try to view a sample digitally signed pdf in a UIWebView, I get blank pages. The number of pages is correct, but they are all blank.
Normal pdfs show up correctly.
I am not looking for signing a pdf, just viewing a signed pdf.
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PDF 中的标准数字签名对页面内容没有影响,它们不会加密页面内容或以某种方式更改它。这些文件可能存在其他问题,导致无法显示。或者它们是使用自定义安全处理程序进行签名和加密的,查看者无法解密它们。
Standard digital signatures in PDF have no influence over page content, they do not encrypt the page content or change it in some way. It is possible that the files have other problems that prevent them from being displayed. Or they are signed and encrypted with a custom security handler and the viewer cannot decrypt them.