I would like to add an option to my application preferences that allows users to select a color, but am not sure of a good strategy. I have a color picker which I can show in a dialog, so I could use a dialog preference. But I see no good way of indicating in the dialog preference what the current color is (I would like to be able to add a "swatch" of color to the preference layout, to indicate the current color; or something similar). Any suggestions for how to make a user friendly color preference?
我尝试了这个: mColorPicker
I tried this one: mColorPicker
It is very easy to use. You can download the code and see an example.
This is how it looks:
http://code.google.com/p/android -颜色选择器/
see if this helps you out:
我需要相同的首选项界面,看起来应该可以通过覆盖 getLayoutResource() 在 Preference 基类中,并实现 xml 布局以包含样本。
I need the same preference interface, and it looks like displaying the color swatch should be possible by overriding getLayoutResource() in the base Preference class and implementing an xml layout to include the swatch.