If you're just after GUI libraries/frameworks, have a look at GWT and Vaadin.
You might want to also look at something like WaveMaker, which is a rapid application development platform. As well as allowing you to mock up simple GUI's it should make it easy to add in functionality as well.
It has been great especially when you start using the UI and theming which makes quick work of standard things. It'd be a problem if you wanted anything outside the box because then you'd have to find a plugin or write your own. (both of which are fairly easy IMHO.)
Even if you just go with ExtJS, Senchas has a lot of widgets that make prototyping much easier. ExtJS 4 will be shipping in a month or so. I'd start with it.
如果您只是想了解 GUI 库/框架,请查看 GWT 和 Vaadin。
您可能还想看看 WaveMaker 之类的东西,它是一个快速应用程序开发平台。除了允许您模拟简单的 GUI 之外,它还应该可以轻松添加功能。
If you're just after GUI libraries/frameworks, have a look at GWT and Vaadin.
You might want to also look at something like WaveMaker, which is a rapid application development platform. As well as allowing you to mock up simple GUI's it should make it easy to add in functionality as well.
除了 jQuery 之外,我没有使用太多东西。
它非常棒,尤其是当您开始使用 UI 和主题时,可以快速完成标准工作。如果您想要任何现成的东西,那将是一个问题,因为那样您就必须找到一个插件或编写自己的插件。 (恕我直言,这两者都相当简单。)
I haven't used anything a lot except jQuery.
It has been great especially when you start using the UI and theming which makes quick work of standard things. It'd be a problem if you wanted anything outside the box because then you'd have to find a plugin or write your own. (both of which are fairly easy IMHO.)
如果你使用ExtJS,他们也有一个设计器: http://www.sencha.com/products/designer< /a>
即使您只使用 ExtJS,Senchas 也有很多小部件,可以使原型设计变得更加容易。 ExtJS 4 将在一个月左右发布。我会从它开始。
If you use ExtJS, they also have a designer: http://www.sencha.com/products/designer
Even if you just go with ExtJS, Senchas has a lot of widgets that make prototyping much easier. ExtJS 4 will be shipping in a month or so. I'd start with it.
您可以查看 ForeUI。它制作工作原型并在浏览器中作为 DHTML 运行。它非常容易学习和使用。
You can check out ForeUI. It makes working prototype and run as DHTML in browser. It's quite easy to learn and use.