SQL SP 不一致地生成唯一的 newid()
我创建的存储过程遇到问题。我大约 6 个月前才开始使用 sql 编程,所以我的 SP 可能显得很马虎,所以提前抱歉。这是我遇到的问题:我选择表中的顶部项目,创建一个等于 newid() 的变量,并将该项目插入到 3 个不同的表中,然后删除顶部项目,然后循环,直到所有项目被插入/删除。有时,当生成 newid() 时,它似乎使用的是上次运行存储过程时生成的 ID。所以我收到此错误:“23000 (2601):[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]无法在具有唯一索引 'ak_lab_nor1' 的对象 'dbo.lab_nor' 中插入重复的键行”。我输出生成的 newid 并检查它是否已存在于 lab_nor 表中,并且它确实存在,并且它是我插入的上一个项目。就像 newid() 在循环期间没有更新一样。这是存储过程。
@EnterpriseID char (5),
@PracticeID char (4),
@EncounterID uniqueidentifier,
@PersonID uniqueidentifier,
@CurrentProvider varchar (50),
@CurrentProviderID uniqueidentifier,
@LocationID uniqueidentifier,
@CurrentUser varchar (50),
@CurrentUserID int,
@CurrentTime varchar (8)
1. Declare Variables
@MaxRows VARCHAR (100)
SET @EncounterDate = (SELECT enc_timestamp FROM patient_encounter WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID)
SET @MaxRows = (SELECT count(*) FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID)
2. Begin Loop
WHILE @MaxRows > 0
3. Insert top row from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ into order_
UPDATE TOP(1) rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
SET txt_order_module_ufo_num = last_generated + 1
FROM system_counters WITH (UPDLOCK)
WHERE counter_type = 'lab order'
AND rpa_lab_fav_ext2_.txt_order_module_ufo_num is null
AND rpa_lab_fav_ext2_.txt_lab = 'InHouseLab';
UPDATE system_counters
SET last_generated = last_generated + 1
WHERE counter_type = 'lab order'
SELECT @MaxRows = count(*)
FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
4. Create unique order id
SET @order_id = NEWID()
--Insert Into RPA_Test_01_ (enterprise_id, practice_id, person_id, created_by, create_timestamp,
-- modified_by, modify_timestamp, enc_id, txt_test001)
--Select @EnterpriseID, @PracticeID, @PersonID, @CurrentUserID, getdate(),
-- @CurrentUserID, getdate(), @EncounterID, @order_id
-- select txt_test001 from rpa_test_01_ where enc_id = '9E14B10A-3D76-4EA7-B2E5-C5CB552F3455'
-- select * from lab_nor where order_num = 'CE70A9C4-21F7-42C5-8D44-97BF0EA5AA46'
5. Insert top row from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ into order_
INSERT INTO order_ (orderedReason, actClass, actCode, actMood, actStatus, actText, actTextDisplay,
actDiagnosis, actDiagnosisCode, apptTimeFrame, apptTimeFrameDisp, apptDate,
documented_by, encounterDate, ordered, orderedBy, orderedByKey, orderedDate, orderedTime,
enterprise_id, practice_id, person_id, encounterID, created_by, create_timestamp, modified_by,
modify_timestamp, seq_no, order_module_ufo_num,
order_module_order_num, order_module_lab_id)
SELECT TOP(1) txt_lab, 'LAB', txt_lab_code, 'ORD', 'ordered', txt_lab_description, txt_lab_description,
txt_assessment, txt_assessment_code, txt_perform_timeframe, txt_perform_timeframe, txt_appt_date,
(CASE WHEN txt_cc_provider = null THEN '' ELSE 'CC Results to: ' + txt_cc_provider + ', ' + txt_cc_address + ', ' + txt_cc_city + ', ' + txt_cc_state + ', ' + txt_cc_phone + '.' end),
(CASE WHEN txt_interval_ = null THEN '' ELSE 'Interval: ' + txt_interval_ + ', Start: ' + txt_interval_start_date + ', Stop: ' + txt_interval_stop_date end),
@CurrentUser, @EncounterDate, '1', @CurrentProvider, @CurrentProviderID, getdate(), @CurrentTime,
@EnterpriseID, @PracticeID, @PersonID, @EncounterID, @CurrentUserID, getdate(), @CurrentUserID,
getdate(), newid(), (CASE WHEN txt_order_module_ufo_num is null THEN null else 'PRO' + txt_order_module_ufo_num end),
(CASE WHEN txt_lab = 'InHouseLab' THEN @order_id else null end), (CASE WHEN txt_lab = 'InHouseLab' THEN '2340' else '60' end)
FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID
ORDER BY rpa_lab_fav_ext2_.txt_lab_description asc
6. Insert top row from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ into lab_nor
IF (select top(1) txt_lab from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ where enc_id = @EncounterID ORDER BY txt_lab_description) = 'InHouseLab'
INSERT INTO lab_nor (Enterprise_ID, Practice_ID, Enc_ID, Order_num, person_id, Ordering_Provider,
test_location, test_status, ngn_status, test_desc, delete_ind, order_control, order_priority,
time_entered, spec_action_code, billing_type, ufo_num, lab_id, enc_timestamp, created_by,
create_timestamp, modified_by, modify_timestamp, generated_by, order_type, recur_mode, ng_order_ind,
documents_ind, signoff_comments_ind, ordered_elsewhere_ind)
SELECT TOP(1) @EnterpriseID, @PracticeID, @EncounterID, @order_id, @PersonID, @CurrentProviderID,
@LocationID, 'Pending', 'Ordered', txt_lab_description, 'N', 'NW', 'R',
getdate(), 'N', 'T', 'PRO' + txt_order_module_ufo_num, '2340', @EncounterDate, @CurrentUserID,
getdate(), @CurrentUserID, getdate(), 'RPA Lab Master', 'L', 'N', 'N',
'N', 'N', 'N'
FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID
ORDER BY txt_lab_description asc
7. Insert top row from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ into lab_order_tests
IF (select top(1) txt_lab from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ where enc_id = @EncounterID ORDER BY txt_lab_description) = 'InHouseLab'
INSERT INTO lab_order_tests (order_test_id, order_num, test_code_id, test_code_text, test_code_system,
created_by, create_timestamp, modified_by, modify_timestamp)
SELECT top(1) newid(), @order_id, txt_lab_code, txt_lab_description, 'I',
@CurrentUserID, GETDATE(), @CurrentUserID, GETDATE()
FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID
ORDER BY txt_lab_description asc
8. Delete top row from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
--FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
--WHERE txt_lab_description IN
-- (SELECT TOP 1 txt_lab_description
-- FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
-- WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID
-- ORDER BY txt_lab_description asc)
Declare @Delete varchar (20)
Set @Delete = (select top(1) txt_lab_code from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ where enc_id = @EncounterID order by txt_lab_description asc)
DELETE rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID
and txt_lab_code = @Delete
9. Find row count
SET @MaxRows = (SELECT count(*) FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID)
10. If max rows is 0, end loop, else continue
IF @MaxRows = 0
~~~~~~编辑 似乎 @Order_ID 变量并不总是重置。如果我运行 SP 并且在结束循环之前只插入一次,那么一切都会很好。如果我运行它并尝试在结束之前插入两次,我会收到错误。我尝试对变量同时使用 SET 和 SELECT,但两者都有相同的问题。
I am having problems with a stored procedure that i have created. I just started programming with sql about 6 months ago, so my SP might appear to be sloppy, so sorry in advance. Heres the issue i am having: I am selecting the top item in a table, creating a variable that is equal to newid(), and inserting that item into 3 different tables, then i delete the top item, and loop, until all items are inserted/deleted. Occasionally, It seems that when the newid() is generated, it is using the one that was previously generated the last time the stored procedure was run. So i get this error: "23000 (2601):[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot insert duplicate key row in object 'dbo.lab_nor' with unique index 'ak_lab_nor1'". I output the newid that is generated and checked to see if it if it already existed in the lab_nor table, and it did and it was the previous item i inserted. It's like the newid() isn't updating during the loop. Here's the stored procedure.
@EnterpriseID char (5),
@PracticeID char (4),
@EncounterID uniqueidentifier,
@PersonID uniqueidentifier,
@CurrentProvider varchar (50),
@CurrentProviderID uniqueidentifier,
@LocationID uniqueidentifier,
@CurrentUser varchar (50),
@CurrentUserID int,
@CurrentTime varchar (8)
1. Declare Variables
@MaxRows VARCHAR (100)
SET @EncounterDate = (SELECT enc_timestamp FROM patient_encounter WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID)
SET @MaxRows = (SELECT count(*) FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID)
2. Begin Loop
WHILE @MaxRows > 0
3. Insert top row from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ into order_
UPDATE TOP(1) rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
SET txt_order_module_ufo_num = last_generated + 1
FROM system_counters WITH (UPDLOCK)
WHERE counter_type = 'lab order'
AND rpa_lab_fav_ext2_.txt_order_module_ufo_num is null
AND rpa_lab_fav_ext2_.txt_lab = 'InHouseLab';
UPDATE system_counters
SET last_generated = last_generated + 1
WHERE counter_type = 'lab order'
SELECT @MaxRows = count(*)
FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
4. Create unique order id
SET @order_id = NEWID()
--Insert Into RPA_Test_01_ (enterprise_id, practice_id, person_id, created_by, create_timestamp,
-- modified_by, modify_timestamp, enc_id, txt_test001)
--Select @EnterpriseID, @PracticeID, @PersonID, @CurrentUserID, getdate(),
-- @CurrentUserID, getdate(), @EncounterID, @order_id
-- select txt_test001 from rpa_test_01_ where enc_id = '9E14B10A-3D76-4EA7-B2E5-C5CB552F3455'
-- select * from lab_nor where order_num = 'CE70A9C4-21F7-42C5-8D44-97BF0EA5AA46'
5. Insert top row from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ into order_
INSERT INTO order_ (orderedReason, actClass, actCode, actMood, actStatus, actText, actTextDisplay,
actDiagnosis, actDiagnosisCode, apptTimeFrame, apptTimeFrameDisp, apptDate,
documented_by, encounterDate, ordered, orderedBy, orderedByKey, orderedDate, orderedTime,
enterprise_id, practice_id, person_id, encounterID, created_by, create_timestamp, modified_by,
modify_timestamp, seq_no, order_module_ufo_num,
order_module_order_num, order_module_lab_id)
SELECT TOP(1) txt_lab, 'LAB', txt_lab_code, 'ORD', 'ordered', txt_lab_description, txt_lab_description,
txt_assessment, txt_assessment_code, txt_perform_timeframe, txt_perform_timeframe, txt_appt_date,
(CASE WHEN txt_cc_provider = null THEN '' ELSE 'CC Results to: ' + txt_cc_provider + ', ' + txt_cc_address + ', ' + txt_cc_city + ', ' + txt_cc_state + ', ' + txt_cc_phone + '.' end),
(CASE WHEN txt_interval_ = null THEN '' ELSE 'Interval: ' + txt_interval_ + ', Start: ' + txt_interval_start_date + ', Stop: ' + txt_interval_stop_date end),
@CurrentUser, @EncounterDate, '1', @CurrentProvider, @CurrentProviderID, getdate(), @CurrentTime,
@EnterpriseID, @PracticeID, @PersonID, @EncounterID, @CurrentUserID, getdate(), @CurrentUserID,
getdate(), newid(), (CASE WHEN txt_order_module_ufo_num is null THEN null else 'PRO' + txt_order_module_ufo_num end),
(CASE WHEN txt_lab = 'InHouseLab' THEN @order_id else null end), (CASE WHEN txt_lab = 'InHouseLab' THEN '2340' else '60' end)
FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID
ORDER BY rpa_lab_fav_ext2_.txt_lab_description asc
6. Insert top row from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ into lab_nor
IF (select top(1) txt_lab from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ where enc_id = @EncounterID ORDER BY txt_lab_description) = 'InHouseLab'
INSERT INTO lab_nor (Enterprise_ID, Practice_ID, Enc_ID, Order_num, person_id, Ordering_Provider,
test_location, test_status, ngn_status, test_desc, delete_ind, order_control, order_priority,
time_entered, spec_action_code, billing_type, ufo_num, lab_id, enc_timestamp, created_by,
create_timestamp, modified_by, modify_timestamp, generated_by, order_type, recur_mode, ng_order_ind,
documents_ind, signoff_comments_ind, ordered_elsewhere_ind)
SELECT TOP(1) @EnterpriseID, @PracticeID, @EncounterID, @order_id, @PersonID, @CurrentProviderID,
@LocationID, 'Pending', 'Ordered', txt_lab_description, 'N', 'NW', 'R',
getdate(), 'N', 'T', 'PRO' + txt_order_module_ufo_num, '2340', @EncounterDate, @CurrentUserID,
getdate(), @CurrentUserID, getdate(), 'RPA Lab Master', 'L', 'N', 'N',
'N', 'N', 'N'
FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID
ORDER BY txt_lab_description asc
7. Insert top row from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ into lab_order_tests
IF (select top(1) txt_lab from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ where enc_id = @EncounterID ORDER BY txt_lab_description) = 'InHouseLab'
INSERT INTO lab_order_tests (order_test_id, order_num, test_code_id, test_code_text, test_code_system,
created_by, create_timestamp, modified_by, modify_timestamp)
SELECT top(1) newid(), @order_id, txt_lab_code, txt_lab_description, 'I',
@CurrentUserID, GETDATE(), @CurrentUserID, GETDATE()
FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID
ORDER BY txt_lab_description asc
8. Delete top row from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
--FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
--WHERE txt_lab_description IN
-- (SELECT TOP 1 txt_lab_description
-- FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
-- WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID
-- ORDER BY txt_lab_description asc)
Declare @Delete varchar (20)
Set @Delete = (select top(1) txt_lab_code from rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ where enc_id = @EncounterID order by txt_lab_description asc)
DELETE rpa_lab_fav_ext2_
WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID
and txt_lab_code = @Delete
9. Find row count
SET @MaxRows = (SELECT count(*) FROM rpa_lab_fav_ext2_ WHERE enc_id = @EncounterID)
10. If max rows is 0, end loop, else continue
IF @MaxRows = 0
It seems as if the @Order_ID variable doesn't always reset. If i run the SP and only insert once before ending the loop, it goes fine. If i run it and try to insert twice before ending, i get the error. I tried using both SET and SELECT on my variables, but both have the same problem.
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这很奇怪,因为 Microsoft 的 这篇 文章说 NEWID() 应该总是生成一个唯一的 ID,因为它使用 MAC 地址和 CPU 时间。如果可以重现,则可能是一个错误。
This is odd as this article from Microsoft says that the NEWID() should always generate a unique id since it uses the MAC address and CPU time. It could be a bug if it can be reproduced.