In my web app i have to retreive the dates on which reminders are to be sent from a database and send Sms and email reminders on those dates.Can anyone tell me how to do this?I have to use quartz scheduler for the same.However I am using quartz scheduler for the first time.
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使用一组Cron 类型 Quartz 触发器。
EG:制作一个每日提醒,选择某一天的所有提醒(使用它们创建一个视图)。然后使用每小时一次的提醒来处理当天的提醒 - 这将帮助您在 24 小时内分配工作量。您可以进一步达到您想要的事件粒度(季度、分钟)。
Use a set of Cron type Quartz triggers.
EG: Make a daily one that selects all the reminders for a given day (create a view with them). Then use a hourly one to process the reminders for that day - this will help you distribute the workload in 24hours. You can go further on up to your desired granularity for events (quarters, minutes).
以下是有关如何使用 Quartz 的教程:http://www.quartz-scheduler。 org/docs/tutorial/index.html
Here's a tutorial on how to use Quartz: http://www.quartz-scheduler.org/docs/tutorial/index.html