The maximum sample rate is 48KHz so the maximum theoretical signal frequency that can be captured is 24KHz by the Nyquist-Shannon theorem (–Shannon_sampling_theorem). I doubt the built in microphone is any good near that frequency, though (and Ryan's link supports that with frequency-response measurements).
最大采样率为 48KHz,因此根据奈奎斯特-香农定理 (–Shannon_sampling_theorem),可以捕获的最大理论信号频率为 24KHz。不过,我怀疑内置麦克风在该频率附近是否有任何好处(Ryan 的链接支持频率响应测量)。
The maximum sample rate is 48KHz so the maximum theoretical signal frequency that can be captured is 24KHz by the Nyquist-Shannon theorem (–Shannon_sampling_theorem). I doubt the built in microphone is any good near that frequency, though (and Ryan's link supports that with frequency-response measurements). iphone-microphone-Frequency-response-comparison/
Looks like the answer is no.