如何以编程方式创建 A2DP 连接或如何将 Android 手机模拟为 A2DP 接收器?

发布于 2024-10-31 08:26:41 字数 8518 浏览 7 评论 0原文

我有两部 Android 手机(Samsung Galaxy Tab 和 HTC Desire)。两者都是2.2。 Galaxy Tab 应该是 A2DP 接收器,而 Desire 应该是源。我的目标是将欲望号的声音传送到银河系。我刚刚在API中看到可以建立RFCOMM连接。但我想建立A2DP连接。我对解决方案的要求是所有手机都不应被root。

我在源代码中发现 蓝牙 UUID 类。我尝试使用 UUID 打开 A2DP 连接。


private class AcceptThread extends Thread {
  public AcceptThread() {
       try {
       BluetoothServerSocket mmServerSocket = btAdapter.listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord("Audio Sink", UUID.fromString("0000110B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB")); // UUID of Audio sink
       mmServerSocket = btAdapter.listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord(
    "AVCRP Controller", UUID.fromString("0000110E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB")); // UUID of AVCRP Controller                

    } catch (IOException e) {

   public void run() {
// Keep listening until exception occurs or a socket is returned
while (true) {
try {
         socket = mmServerSocket.accept();

} catch (IOException e) {
// If a connection was accepted
if (socket != null) {
    try {
} catch (IOException e) {


Method m = device.getClass().getMethod("createRfcommSocket", new Class[] { int.class });
tmp = (BluetoothSocket) m.invoke(device, Integer.valueOf(1));

我可以将两个设备配对并创建连接。如果我进入 Desire 的蓝牙设置并长按 Galaxy Tab,我会看到菜单选项。我可以看到媒体简介。然后,如果尝试检查连接框以将设备与所选配置文件连接,我会收到以下日志:

04-11 17:21:18.994: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233):         dtun_client_get_remote_services()
04-11 17:21:18.994: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): dtun_client_get_remote_services: Get remote services on 
04-11 17:21:18.994: INFO/DTUN_CLNT(1233):     Client calling DTUN_METHOD_DM_GET_REMOTE_SERVICES (id 5)
04-11 17:21:18.994: INFO/(1220): DTUN_ReceiveCtrlMsg: [DTUN] Received message [BTLIF_DTUN_METHOD_CALL] 4354
04-11 17:21:18.994: INFO/(1220): handle_method_call: handle_method_call :: received DTUN_METHOD_DM_GET_REMOTE_SERVICES (id 5), len 6
04-11 17:21:18.994: ERROR/BTLD(1220): ****************search UUID = 1108***********
04-11 17:21:18.994: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.005: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219):         btapp_dm_GetRemoteServices()
04-11 17:21:19.005: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Wake, 0x8003 ####
04-11 17:21:19.125: WARN/BTLD(1220): process_service_search_attr_rsp
04-11 17:21:19.144: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.155: ERROR/BTLD(1220): ****************search UUID = 111e***********
04-11 17:21:19.155: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.287: WARN/BTLD(1220): process_service_search_attr_rsp
04-11 17:21:19.287: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.336: ERROR/BTLD(1220): ****************search UUID = 110b***********
04-11 17:21:19.336: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.474: WARN/BTLD(1220): process_service_search_attr_rsp
04-11 17:21:19.474: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/BTL-IFS(1220): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFS CTRL] send BTLIF_DTUN_SIGNAL_EVT (CTRL) 14 pbytes (hdl 15)
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): dtun_dm_sig_rmt_services: success=1, service=00040040
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Adding UUID 0000111E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DEVICE(1233): Just add the profiles for /org/bluez/1233/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Adding uuid 0000111E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Adding UUID 0000110B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DEVICE(1233): Just add the profiles for /org/bluez/1233/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_x_xx_xx
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Adding uuid 0000110B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Calling sink_init
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/ADAPTER(1233): adapter_get_device(Xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DEVICE(1233): btd_device_ref(0xfa10): ref=2
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): sink_init
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Registered interface org.bluez.AudioSink on path /org/bluez/1233/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx
04-11 17:21:19.544: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(96): event_filter: Received signal org.bluez.Device:PropertyChanged from /org/bluez/1233/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx
04-11 17:21:19.544: DEBUG/BluetoothService(96): updateDeviceServiceChannelCache(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
04-11 17:21:19.554: INFO/DEVICE(1233): pattern = 0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, id = 4
04-11 17:21:19.564: DEBUG/BluetoothService(96):     uuid(system): 0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 4382
04-11 17:21:19.574: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(492): Received android.bleutooth.device.action.UUID
04-11 17:21:19.700: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:20.615: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Sleep, 0x8004 ####
04-11 17:21:24.634: DEBUG/dalvikvm(594): GC_EXPLICIT freed 46 objects / 2320 bytes in 50ms
04-11 17:21:24.675: INFO/System.out(1336): public android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp(android.content.Context)
04-11 17:21:24.684: DEBUG/BluetoothA2dpService(96): connectSink(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
04-11 17:21:24.684: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : state = 1 prevState = 0
04-11 17:21:24.684: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : mTargetA2dpState = -1
04-11 17:21:24.684: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : initialStart = false initialSuspend = false
04-11 17:21:24.694: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(492): Received android.bluetooth.a2dp.action.SINK_STATE_CHANGED
04-11 17:21:24.694: DEBUG/CachedBluetoothDevice(492): onProfileStateChanged:[]
04-11 17:21:24.705: DEBUG/BluetoothA2dpService(96): A2DP state : device: BC:47:60:0F:4B:F3 State:0->1
04-11 17:21:24.705: INFO/DTUN_CLNT(1233):     Client calling DTUN_METHOD_AM_AV_OPEN (id 20)
04-11 17:21:24.705: INFO/(1220): DTUN_ReceiveCtrlMsg: [DTUN] Received message [BTLIF_DTUN_METHOD_CALL] 4354
04-11 17:21:24.705: INFO/(1220): handle_method_call: handle_method_call :: received DTUN_METHOD_AM_AV_OPEN (id 20), len 6
04-11 17:21:24.705: ERROR/BTLD(1220): reset flags
04-11 17:21:24.705: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:24.705: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233): stream creation in progress
04-11 17:21:24.714: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Wake, 0x8003 ####
04-11 17:21:24.958: WARN/BTLD(1220): process_service_search_attr_rsp
04-11 17:21:25.017: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:25.227: ERROR/BTLD(1220): bta_av_rc_create ACP handle exist for shdl:0
04-11 17:21:25.325: WARN/BTLD(1220): bta_dm_rm_cback:0, status:1
04-11 17:21:25.325: WARN/BTLD(1220): bta_dm_act no entry for connected service cbs
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/BTL-IFS(1220): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFS CTRL] send BTLIF_DTUN_SIGNAL_EVT (CTRL) 44 pbytes (hdl 15)
04-11 17:21:25.325: WARN/BTLD(1220): btui_av_callback(BTA_AV_OPEN_EVT::FAILED (page-timeout or protocol)::status: 3
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): pending
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): orig_msg = e588
04-11 17:21:25.325: ERROR/BluetoothA2dpService.cpp(96): onConnectSinkResult: D-Bus error: org.bluez.Error.Failed (Stream connection failed)
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : state = 0 prevState = 1
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : mTargetA2dpState = -1
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : initialStart = false initialSuspend = false
04-11 17:21:25.334: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(492): Received android.bluetooth.a2dp.action.SINK_STATE_CHANGED
04-11 17:21:25.334: INFO/BluetoothEventRedirector(492): Failed to connect BT A2DP
04-11 17:21:25.334: DEBUG/CachedBluetoothDevice(492): onProfileStateChanged:[]
04-11 17:21:25.334: DEBUG/BluetoothA2dpService(96): A2DP state : device: BC:47:60:0F:4B:F3 State:1->0
04-11 17:21:25.925: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Sleep, 0x8004 ####
04-11 17:21:26.775: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 2147483648
04-11 17:21:26.785: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Wake, 0x8003 ####
04-11 17:21:27.725: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Sleep, 0x8004 ####

有人知道我做错了什么吗? 一个普遍的问题是,是否可以通过蓝牙连接两部 Android 手机并从一部手机流式传输到另一部手机?您有其他方法吗?


I have two android phones (Samsung Galaxy Tab and HTC Desire). Both 2.2. The Galaxy Tab should be an A2DP sink and the Desire the source. My aim is to route the sound of the Desire to the Galaxy. I just saw in the API that it is possible to establish a RFCOMM connection. But I want to establish an A2DP connection. My requirements to the solution is that none of the phones should be rooted.

I found in the source code the Bluetooth UUID class. And I tried to open a A2DP Connection with the UUIDs.

This is the code of the server side:

private class AcceptThread extends Thread {
  public AcceptThread() {
       try {
       BluetoothServerSocket mmServerSocket = btAdapter.listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord("Audio Sink", UUID.fromString("0000110B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB")); // UUID of Audio sink
       mmServerSocket = btAdapter.listenUsingRfcommWithServiceRecord(
    "AVCRP Controller", UUID.fromString("0000110E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB")); // UUID of AVCRP Controller                

    } catch (IOException e) {

   public void run() {
// Keep listening until exception occurs or a socket is returned
while (true) {
try {
         socket = mmServerSocket.accept();

} catch (IOException e) {
// If a connection was accepted
if (socket != null) {
    try {
} catch (IOException e) {

Code of the client side:

Method m = device.getClass().getMethod("createRfcommSocket", new Class[] { int.class });
tmp = (BluetoothSocket) m.invoke(device, Integer.valueOf(1));

I could pair both devices and could create a connection. If I go to the bluetooth settings of the Desire and long press on the Galaxy Tab, I have the menu OPTIONS. I can see the media profile. Then if tried to check the connection box to connect the device with the selected profiles I get following log:

04-11 17:21:18.994: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233):         dtun_client_get_remote_services()
04-11 17:21:18.994: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): dtun_client_get_remote_services: Get remote services on 
04-11 17:21:18.994: INFO/DTUN_CLNT(1233):     Client calling DTUN_METHOD_DM_GET_REMOTE_SERVICES (id 5)
04-11 17:21:18.994: INFO/(1220): DTUN_ReceiveCtrlMsg: [DTUN] Received message [BTLIF_DTUN_METHOD_CALL] 4354
04-11 17:21:18.994: INFO/(1220): handle_method_call: handle_method_call :: received DTUN_METHOD_DM_GET_REMOTE_SERVICES (id 5), len 6
04-11 17:21:18.994: ERROR/BTLD(1220): ****************search UUID = 1108***********
04-11 17:21:18.994: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.005: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219):         btapp_dm_GetRemoteServices()
04-11 17:21:19.005: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Wake, 0x8003 ####
04-11 17:21:19.125: WARN/BTLD(1220): process_service_search_attr_rsp
04-11 17:21:19.144: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.155: ERROR/BTLD(1220): ****************search UUID = 111e***********
04-11 17:21:19.155: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.287: WARN/BTLD(1220): process_service_search_attr_rsp
04-11 17:21:19.287: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.336: ERROR/BTLD(1220): ****************search UUID = 110b***********
04-11 17:21:19.336: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.474: WARN/BTLD(1220): process_service_search_attr_rsp
04-11 17:21:19.474: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/BTL-IFS(1220): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFS CTRL] send BTLIF_DTUN_SIGNAL_EVT (CTRL) 14 pbytes (hdl 15)
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): dtun_dm_sig_rmt_services: success=1, service=00040040
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Adding UUID 0000111E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DEVICE(1233): Just add the profiles for /org/bluez/1233/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Adding uuid 0000111E-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Adding UUID 0000110B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DEVICE(1233): Just add the profiles for /org/bluez/1233/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_x_xx_xx
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Adding uuid 0000110B-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Calling sink_init
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/ADAPTER(1233): adapter_get_device(Xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DEVICE(1233): btd_device_ref(0xfa10): ref=2
04-11 17:21:19.534: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): sink_init
04-11 17:21:19.534: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233): Registered interface org.bluez.AudioSink on path /org/bluez/1233/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx
04-11 17:21:19.544: ERROR/BluetoothEventLoop.cpp(96): event_filter: Received signal org.bluez.Device:PropertyChanged from /org/bluez/1233/hci0/dev_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx_xx
04-11 17:21:19.544: DEBUG/BluetoothService(96): updateDeviceServiceChannelCache(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
04-11 17:21:19.554: INFO/DEVICE(1233): pattern = 0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb, id = 4
04-11 17:21:19.564: DEBUG/BluetoothService(96):     uuid(system): 0000111e-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb 4382
04-11 17:21:19.574: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(492): Received android.bleutooth.device.action.UUID
04-11 17:21:19.700: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:20.615: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Sleep, 0x8004 ####
04-11 17:21:24.634: DEBUG/dalvikvm(594): GC_EXPLICIT freed 46 objects / 2320 bytes in 50ms
04-11 17:21:24.675: INFO/System.out(1336): public android.bluetooth.BluetoothA2dp(android.content.Context)
04-11 17:21:24.684: DEBUG/BluetoothA2dpService(96): connectSink(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)
04-11 17:21:24.684: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : state = 1 prevState = 0
04-11 17:21:24.684: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : mTargetA2dpState = -1
04-11 17:21:24.684: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : initialStart = false initialSuspend = false
04-11 17:21:24.694: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(492): Received android.bluetooth.a2dp.action.SINK_STATE_CHANGED
04-11 17:21:24.694: DEBUG/CachedBluetoothDevice(492): onProfileStateChanged:[]
04-11 17:21:24.705: DEBUG/BluetoothA2dpService(96): A2DP state : device: BC:47:60:0F:4B:F3 State:0->1
04-11 17:21:24.705: INFO/DTUN_CLNT(1233):     Client calling DTUN_METHOD_AM_AV_OPEN (id 20)
04-11 17:21:24.705: INFO/(1220): DTUN_ReceiveCtrlMsg: [DTUN] Received message [BTLIF_DTUN_METHOD_CALL] 4354
04-11 17:21:24.705: INFO/(1220): handle_method_call: handle_method_call :: received DTUN_METHOD_AM_AV_OPEN (id 20), len 6
04-11 17:21:24.705: ERROR/BTLD(1220): reset flags
04-11 17:21:24.705: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:24.705: DEBUG/DTUN_HCID4(1233): stream creation in progress
04-11 17:21:24.714: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Wake, 0x8003 ####
04-11 17:21:24.958: WARN/BTLD(1220): process_service_search_attr_rsp
04-11 17:21:25.017: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 0
04-11 17:21:25.227: ERROR/BTLD(1220): bta_av_rc_create ACP handle exist for shdl:0
04-11 17:21:25.325: WARN/BTLD(1220): bta_dm_rm_cback:0, status:1
04-11 17:21:25.325: WARN/BTLD(1220): bta_dm_act no entry for connected service cbs
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/BTL-IFS(1220): send_ctrl_msg: [BTL_IFS CTRL] send BTLIF_DTUN_SIGNAL_EVT (CTRL) 44 pbytes (hdl 15)
04-11 17:21:25.325: WARN/BTLD(1220): btui_av_callback(BTA_AV_OPEN_EVT::FAILED (page-timeout or protocol)::status: 3
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): pending
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/DTUN_HCID4(1233): orig_msg = e588
04-11 17:21:25.325: ERROR/BluetoothA2dpService.cpp(96): onConnectSinkResult: D-Bus error: org.bluez.Error.Failed (Stream connection failed)
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : state = 0 prevState = 1
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : mTargetA2dpState = -1
04-11 17:21:25.325: INFO/BluetoothA2dpService(96): checkSinkSuspendState() : initialStart = false initialSuspend = false
04-11 17:21:25.334: VERBOSE/BluetoothEventRedirector(492): Received android.bluetooth.a2dp.action.SINK_STATE_CHANGED
04-11 17:21:25.334: INFO/BluetoothEventRedirector(492): Failed to connect BT A2DP
04-11 17:21:25.334: DEBUG/CachedBluetoothDevice(492): onProfileStateChanged:[]
04-11 17:21:25.334: DEBUG/BluetoothA2dpService(96): A2DP state : device: BC:47:60:0F:4B:F3 State:1->0
04-11 17:21:25.925: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Sleep, 0x8004 ####
04-11 17:21:26.775: WARN/BTLD(1220): ccb timer ticks: 2147483648
04-11 17:21:26.785: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Wake, 0x8003 ####
04-11 17:21:27.725: INFO//system/bin/btld(1219): ##### USerial_Ioctl: BT_Sleep, 0x8004 ####

Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?
A general question is it possible to connect two Android phones via Bluetooth and stream from one phone to the other? Do you have any alternative approaches?


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旧话新听 2024-11-07 08:26:41

您无法通过 RFCOMM / SPP 实现这一点 - 连接到 A2DP UUID 是不够的 - 需要执行配置文件连接/配置文件级别协议程序来实现 A2DP< /code> - 更多的是 A2DP 直接通过 L2CAP 协议 工作(并且不需要 RFCOMM)。

您可能无法在 2 部手机之间手动执行此操作,因为要流式传输,一台设备需要是 A2DP 接收器和其他 A2DP 源,手机通常只是源设备(可以流式传输到接收器设备的流的源),接收器是耳机蓝牙扬声器

You cannot do it over RFCOMM / SPP - Connecting to A2DP UUID is not enough - the Profile connection / profile level protocol procedures need to be done to implement A2DP - more over A2DP directly works over L2CAP protocol (and does not require RFCOMM).

You may-not be able to do it manually between 2 phones also because to stream one device needs to be A2DP sink and other A2DP source, Phones are typically only Source devices (Source of the stream that can stream to sink devices), Sinks are Headsets or Bluetooth speakers.

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