我正在制作这个自定义视频播放器。当外部播放的 flv 文件到达电影中的某个点时,我需要某种方法来做出反应,而无需在 flv 文件上嵌入一些额外的数据。我正在寻找这个,因为我想在电影的 90%-99% 点做出反应,因为我不喜欢当流完成播放时我做出反应时所得到的行为(我想要早一点)。我该如何实现这一目标?
我很惊讶 Adobe 没有记录 onMetaData 和 onCuePoint 等传递的对象结构是什么......
I have this custom video player I'm making. I need some way to react when the externally played flv file reaches a certain point in the movie without embedding some extra data on the flv file. I am looking for this because I want to react at the 90%-99% point of the movie because I didn't like the behavior I'm getting when I react when the stream completes playing (I want a bit earlier). How do I achieve this?
I'm surprised Adobe didn't document what is the object structure passed on things like onMetaData and onCuePoint...
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你可以通过一点数学来实现这一点。播放头的位置除以持续时间乘以 100。
如果值大于 90,则触发您的事件。
You can achieve this with a little math. Position of play head divided by duration multiply by 100.
If value is greater than 90 fire your event.
You can do this by programmatically setting a cue point based on the length the movie clip, then creating an event listener for it.