为什么 AutoTest 在“加载 autotest/rails_rspec2”时冻结?用于导轨 3
每当我在 Rails 3 应用程序上运行自动测试(还没有自定义测试)时,它都会挂在 loading autotest/rails_rspec2
处,而且我对 Rails 还很陌生,不知道要检查/查找什么。
我已经包含了我的 gemfile,以防存在已知的兼容性问题。如果您还需要什么,请告诉我,谢谢!
编辑 我正在 Ubuntu 10.10 上运行,以防万一。
$ autotest
loading autotest/rails_rspec2
source 'http://rubygems.org'
gem 'rails'
# Bundle edge Rails instead:
# gem 'rails', :git => 'git://github.com/rails/rails.git'
gem 'mysql2'
gem 'sqlite3'
gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'
gem "haml"
gem "formtastic"
gem "will_paginate"
gem "devise"
gem "omniauth"
gem "cancan"
gem "delayed_job"
gem "whenever"
gem "memcache-client"
gem "capistrano"
gem "mail"
gem "haml-rails"
gem "compass"
gem "jquery-rails"
gem "rack-mount"
group :development, :test do
gem "rspec"
gem "rspec-rails", ">= 2.5.0"
gem "autotest-standalone"
gem "autotest-rails"
group :testing do
gem "mocha"
gem "shoulda"
gem "factory_girl_rails"
group :development do
gem "cheat"
gem "bullet"
gem "ruby-growl"
Gem 版本
aaronh-chronic (0.3.9)
abstract (1.0.0)
actionmailer (3.0.5)
actionpack (3.0.5)
activemodel (3.0.5)
activerecord (3.0.5)
activeresource (3.0.5)
activesupport (3.0.5)
addressable (2.2.4)
arel (2.0.9)
autotest (4.4.6)
autotest-notification (2.3.1)
autotest-rails (4.1.0)
autotest-standalone (4.5.5)
bcrypt-ruby (2.1.4)
builder (2.1.2)
bullet (2.0.1)
bundler (1.0.11)
cancan (1.6.4, 1.6.3)
capistrano (2.5.20)
cheat (1.3.0)
compass (0.10.6)
daemons (1.1.0)
delayed_job (2.1.4)
devise (1.2.1)
diff-lcs (1.1.2)
erubis (2.6.6)
factory_girl (1.3.3)
factory_girl_rails (1.0.1)
faraday (0.5.7)
formtastic (1.2.3)
haml (3.0.25)
haml-rails (0.3.4)
highline (1.6.1)
i18n (0.5.0)
jquery-rails (0.2.7)
mail (2.2.15)
memcache-client (1.8.5)
meta_where (1.0.4)
mime-types (1.16)
mocha (0.9.12)
multi_json (0.0.5)
multipart-post (1.1.0)
mysql2 (0.2.7)
net-ldap (0.1.1)
net-scp (1.0.4)
net-sftp (2.0.5)
net-ssh (2.1.3)
net-ssh-gateway (1.0.1)
nokogiri (1.4.4)
oa-basic (0.2.0)
oa-core (0.2.0)
oa-enterprise (0.2.0)
oa-more (0.2.0)
oa-oauth (0.2.0)
oa-openid (0.2.0)
oauth (0.4.4)
oauth2 (0.1.1)
omniauth (0.2.0)
orm_adapter (0.0.4)
paperclip (2.3.8)
polyglot (0.3.1)
pyu-ruby-sasl (
rack (1.2.2)
rack-mount (0.6.14)
rack-openid (1.2.0)
rack-test (0.5.7)
rails (3.0.5)
railties (3.0.5)
rake (0.8.7)
rest-client (1.6.1)
rspec (2.5.0)
rspec-core (2.5.1)
rspec-expectations (2.5.0)
rspec-mocks (2.5.0)
rspec-rails (2.5.0)
ruby-growl (3.0)
ruby-openid (2.1.8)
ruby-openid-apps-discovery (1.2.0)
rubyntlm (0.1.1)
shoulda (2.11.3)
sqlite3 (1.3.3)
sqlite3-ruby (1.3.3)
thor (0.14.6)
treetop (1.4.9)
tzinfo (0.3.26, 0.3.25)
uniform_notifier (1.0.1)
warden (1.0.3)
whenever (0.6.7)
will_paginate (2.3.15)
ZenTest (4.5.0)
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autotest -s rspec2
It's likely not hanging, but rather not finding anything to test. This is likely due to this post concerning changes to Rspec.
See that blog post for the long term solution. The simple quick-fix is to do:
autotest -s rspec2
这个答案很旧,但我遇到过这个问题,所以对于任何遇到这个问题的人来说。我没有安装 gem“rspec-autotest”,您可以通过将其添加到项目的 Gemfile 中来修复它
You can find the project 此处
This answer is old but I have had this problem, so to anyone who's this issue. I didn't install the gem "rspec-autotest", you can fix it by adding this in your project's Gemfile
Or simply typing
You can find the project here