有哪些基于 Ruby 的博客系统具有现成的主题?
我正在寻找用 Ruby 实现的 Wordpress 和 Squarespace 的替代品。它可以是 Rails 应用程序、Rails 插件或独立的静态页面生成器。我们正在寻找的最重要的功能是它配备了一系列美观的主题并且易于设置。
I'm looking for a substitute for Wordpress and Squarespace that's implemented in Ruby. It can be a Rails app, a Rails plugin, or a standalone static page generator. The most important features we're looking for is that it comes with a selection of nice looking themes and is easy to set up.
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我过去曾成功使用 Typo 。它是用 Ruby 编写的,相当活跃,并且可以作为 gem 安装。它带有一个默认主题,并且在 Typogarden 上有很多可用的主题。
I've used Typo in the past with success. It's written in Ruby, is reasonably active and can be installed as a gem. It comes with a default theme and there are a bucket full of themes available at Typogarden.
早期用 Ruby 编写的最流行的博客引擎是 tdiary (github,sourceforge)。它是用日语开发的,但没有太多英文文档。但有一个英文邮件列表。
The most popular weblog engine written in ruby from its earlier days is tdiary (github, sourceforge). It is developed in Japanese, and there is not much English documentation, though. But there is an English mailing list.