Selenium Grid 支持 Selenium 2?
我读到计划在 2010 年年底为 Selenium 2.0 提供 Selenium Grid 支持。显然这还没有发生。有人知道这方面的任何更新吗?
I have read that Selenium Grid support was planned for Selenium 2.0 at the year end - 2010. Apparently it has not happened. Anyone knows of any updates on this?
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Selenium Grid 2 支持 Selenium 2 并向后兼容 Selenium 1
Selenium Grid 2 supports Selenium 2 and is backward compatible with Selenium 1
本周末 Selenium Conference 上的一场演讲谈到了 Selenium Grid 2。它已步入正轨,即将发布Selenium 2,包括下一个 Beta(Beta 4)。它会比 Grid 1 更强大。事实上,我们希望它能取代 RC,RC 本质上会成为 1 的网格。您可以在 这篇介绍会议的博文。
One of the talks at the Selenium Conference this weekend talked about Selenium Grid 2. It is on track and will be released with Selenium 2, including the next Beta (Beta 4). It is going to be more robust than Grid 1. In fact the hope is that it replaces RC, which would essentially become a grid of 1. You can read about it in the fifth paragraph of this blog post covering the conference.
是的,Selnium Grid 将支持 Selenium 2.x,请检查
Yes, Selnium Grid will support Selenium 2.x, check
这是使用 selenium 2.0 和 WebDriver 的教程
Here is a tutorial of using selenium 2.0 and WebDriver