我这样做是否正确 - 使用 link_to 从控制器调用操作
请原谅这个简单性和长度,但我有一个小测试应用程序,它有一个用户表,其中包含姓名、电子邮件和薪水属性。我创建了一个邮件程序,该邮件程序将根据我的判断(换句话说,当我单击按钮时)向特定用户发送此数据的报告。我的按钮是使用 link_to 创建的,并调用我的主 users_controller 中的操作,然后该操作调用邮件程序操作。 (我希望这是有道理的)。它看起来如下所示,并且正如我所希望的那样工作;我只是想知道这是否是执行类似操作的正确方法:
在我的 users_controller (由脚手架生成器创建)中:
def sendemail
@user = User.find(params[:id])
redirect_to user_path(@user)
flash[:notice] = 'Email has been sent!'
在 user_mailer.rb 文件中:
def welcome_email(user)
@user = user
@url = "http://example.com/login"
mail(:to => user.email,
:subject => "Welcome to My Awesome Site")
在用户的 show.html.erb 页面中,这就是如何电子邮件被发送:
<%= link_to "Send Email", sendemail_user_path(@user) %>
resources :users do
member do
get 'sendemail'
所以,说了这么多,它就像它应该的那样工作。我单击用户的 show.html.erb 页面,其中我将获得我想要最终显示的数据和图表,并且根据我的判断,我可以向该用户发送一封包含此数据的电子邮件,或者我在其中输入的任何内容mailer.html.erb 文件。当它被发送时,它会闪烁我在控制器中指定的消息,并将我留在该页面上,就像我指定的那样;所以它正在工作。我只是想知道,这是正确且最 Ruby/railsy 的做事方式吗?
Please excuse the simplicity and length of this, but I have a little test app that has a users table, with name, email, and salary attributes. I created a mailer that will send out a report of this data to a specific user at my discretion, in other words, when I click a button. My button is created using link_to, and calls an action in my main users_controller, which then calls the mailer action. (I hope that just made sense). It looks like the following and is working just as I hoped; I'm just looking to know if this is the right way to do something like this:
In my users_controller (created by the scaffold generator):
def sendemail
@user = User.find(params[:id])
redirect_to user_path(@user)
flash[:notice] = 'Email has been sent!'
In the user_mailer.rb file:
def welcome_email(user)
@user = user
@url = "http://example.com/login"
mail(:to => user.email,
:subject => "Welcome to My Awesome Site")
In the User's show.html.erb page, this is how the email gets sent:
<%= link_to "Send Email", sendemail_user_path(@user) %>
In my routes.rb file, so that everything executes properly (which it does):
resources :users do
member do
get 'sendemail'
So, having said all this, it works just like it should. I click on the user's show.html.erb page where I would have the data and charts that I want to eventually display, and at my discretion, I can kick out an email to that user with this data, or whatever I put in the mailer.html.erb file. When it is sent, it flashes the message I specified in the controller, and leaves me on that page, just as I specified; so it's working. I just want to know, is this the right and most ruby/railsy way to do things?
此代码看起来与 Rails Guides Action Mailer 示例非常相似,因此只要说您正在创建铁路代码。
操作,该操作会在成功保存用户记录时发送电子邮件。This code looks very similar to the Rails Guides Action Mailer example, so suffice it to say you are creating railsy code.
Also, if your application evolved into a much grander scale you would want to consider delivering emails via a background job to avoid email deliveries from blocking the current thread.
Otherwise the code looks great. Of course, you would most likely send an email after doing something successful in a controller, rather than have a dedicated action for emailing directly. For instance, you might have a
action that sends an email on a successful user record save.