如何使用 Eclipse PDT 和 XAMPP 安装 XDebug
有人可以告诉我如何安装 XDebug 并将其与我现有的 XAMPP 和 Eclipse PDT 集成。谢谢。
Can someone please tell me How can I install XDebug and integrate it with my existing XAMPP and Eclipse PDT. Thanks.
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此站点经历了非常彻底的安装过程。它说明了如何安装 XDebug,以及如何将其与 Eclipse 集成。然而,唯一的缺失是 php.ini 配置。如果您使用它提供的那个,XDebug 将无法正确加载。我建议这样:
This site goes through a very thorough installation process. It says how to install XDebug, and how to integrate it with Eclipse. The only miss, however, is the php.ini configuration. If you use the one it gives you, XDebug will not be loaded properly. I would suggest this: