//class XmlObject is part of org.apache.xmlbeans
public class DepartmentType extends XmlObject; // getName method is defined in this class
public class OrganizatiopnType extends XmlObject; // getName method is defined in this class
XmlObject department = null;
if (a == 1)
department = (DepartmentType) order.getDepartment(); // returns DepartmentType
department = (OrganizationType) order.getOrganization(); // returns OrganizationType
department.getName(); // throws cannot find symbol
// ... and do some other complex stuff using methods which are defined in both classes ...
调用 getName() 方法的最简洁方法是什么?
Cybernate,如果您可以控制 DepartmentType
& ,您的方法似乎是最合乎逻辑的。 组织类型
。不幸的是,这些对象是由 xmlbeans 从 XML 模式生成的。就我而言,我可以重新设计架构,以便两种类型具有共同的基础。
I have the following problem:
//class XmlObject is part of org.apache.xmlbeans
public class DepartmentType extends XmlObject; // getName method is defined in this class
public class OrganizatiopnType extends XmlObject; // getName method is defined in this class
XmlObject department = null;
if (a == 1)
department = (DepartmentType) order.getDepartment(); // returns DepartmentType
department = (OrganizationType) order.getOrganization(); // returns OrganizationType
department.getName(); // throws cannot find symbol
// ... and do some other complex stuff using methods which are defined in both classes ...
What is the cleanest way to call the getName() method?
Cybernate, your approach seems the most logical, if you have control over the DepartmentType
& OrganizationType
. Unfortunately, these objects are generated from XML schema by xmlbeans. In my case, I could redesign the schema, so that both types have common base.
But what if I wouldn't have the control over the schema. How could I implement the basic idea?
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代码。I suggest you make both classes implement a common interface, and cast to that instead. I can't see that your current casts can have any effect...
This is assuming you have control over the
code, of course.注意:这是当前类层次结构的替代方案。
定义一个名为 UnitTypeBase 的中间类,它从 XmlObject 扩展。
派生 *DepartmentType 和 OrganizationType* 从UnitTypeBase
Note: This is an alternative to the current class hierarchy you have.
Define a intermdeiate class called UnitTypeBase which extends from XmlObject.
Something like
then derive *DepartmentType and OrganizationType* from UnitTypeBase
如果您可以控制架构,则可以定义一个基本抽象类型,其他类型可以从中扩展。我自己没有尝试过,所以我不确定 XmlBeans 将如何处理它。
否则,这是一种解决方法(黑客?),但您可以使用 Commons BeanUtils ,只要您生成的类遵循JavaBean 命名约定。如果这些对象被频繁传递,您可以创建一个包装类以使调用更加具体。
If you have control of your schema you can define a base abstract type that your other types can extend from. I haven't tried this myself so I'm not sure how it XmlBeans will handle it.
Otherwise, it's a work-around (hack?) but you could use Commons BeanUtils provided your generated classes follow JavaBean naming convention. If these objects are getting passed around a lot you could create a wrapper class to make the calls a little more concrete.
Any problem can be solved with another layer of indirection.....except too much indirection.
使用 getName 方法创建一个接口,并且 DepartmentType 和 OrganizationType 类都实现该接口。例如 ;
Create an interface with method getName and both classes DepartmentType and OrganizationType implements this interface. Such as ;