C# 的反汇编:为什么 DUMPBIN 本机代码与 Debug 的反汇编如此不同?

发布于 2024-10-29 04:44:28 字数 4630 浏览 9 评论 0原文

假设这是我的程序 simpleCsharp.exe:

namespace simpleCsharp
    public class Program
         public static int Main(string[] args)
                uint x = 0xFEFEFE;
                uint y = 0xEEEEEE;
                uint z;
                uint[] list = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 };
                uint[] array = { 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD };
                z = x + y + list[2] + array[1];
                z = z - (y << 1);
                return 0;           

如果我在调试的反汇编窗口中查看简单 C# 程序的反汇编,本机代码输出至少有意义。例如,这里是 Debug 对 Main 的反汇编,优化开启:

uint x = 0xFEFEFE;
00000000  push        ebp 
00000001  mov         ebp,esp 
00000003  sub         esp,28h 
00000006  xor         eax,eax 
00000008  mov         dword ptr [ebp-14h],eax 
0000000b  mov         dword ptr [ebp-18h],eax 
0000000e  mov         dword ptr [ebp-4],ecx 
00000011  cmp         dword ptr ds:[037D14ACh],0 
00000018  je          0000001F 
0000001a  call        763B370F 
0000001f  xor         edx,edx 
00000021  mov         dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],edx 
00000024  xor         edx,edx 
00000026  mov         dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],edx 
00000029  xor         edx,edx 
0000002b  mov         dword ptr [ebp-20h],edx 
0000002e  xor         edx,edx 
00000030  mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],edx 
00000033  xor         edx,edx 
00000035  mov         dword ptr [ebp-10h],edx 
00000038  mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],0FEFEFEh 
uint y = 0xEEEEEE;
0000003f  mov         dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],0EEEEEEh 
uint z;
uint[] list = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 };
00000046  mov         edx,5 
0000004b  mov         ecx,79882916h 
00000050  call        FD95FD70 
00000055  mov         dword ptr [ebp-24h],eax 
00000058  lea         ecx,[ebp-14h] 
0000005b  mov         edx,37D25E0h 
00000060  call        761A4716 
00000065  lea         eax,[ebp-14h] 
00000068  push        dword ptr [eax] 
0000006a  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-24h] 
0000006d  call        761A47F3 
00000072  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-24h] 
00000075  mov         dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],eax 
uint[] array = { 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD };
00000078  mov         edx,4 
0000007d  mov         ecx,79882916h 
00000082  call        FD95FD70 
00000087  mov         dword ptr [ebp-28h],eax 
0000008a  lea         ecx,[ebp-18h] 
0000008d  mov         edx,37D25ECh 
00000092  call        761A4716 
00000097  lea         eax,[ebp-18h] 
0000009a  push        dword ptr [eax] 
0000009c  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-28h] 
0000009f  call        761A47F3 
000000a4  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-28h] 
000000a7  mov         dword ptr [ebp-20h],eax 
z = x + y + list[2] + array[1];
000000aa  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-8] 
000000ad  add         eax,dword ptr [ebp-0Ch] 
000000b0  mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp-1Ch] 
000000b3  cmp         dword ptr [edx+4],2 
000000b7  ja          000000BE 
000000b9  call        763B6900 
000000be  add         eax,dword ptr [edx+10h] 
000000c1  mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp-20h] 
000000c4  cmp         dword ptr [edx+4],1 
000000c8  ja          000000CF 
000000ca  call        763B6900 
000000cf  add         eax,dword ptr [edx+0Ch] 
000000d2  mov         dword ptr [ebp-10h],eax 
z = z - (y << 1);
000000d5  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-0Ch] 
000000d8  add         eax,eax 
000000da  sub         dword ptr [ebp-10h],eax 
return 0;           
000000dd  xor         eax,eax 
000000df  mov         esp,ebp 
000000e1  pop         ebp 
000000e2  ret 

但是,如果我在同一个 C# 程序集上运行 DUMPBIN(调试信息 =“None”,因此它不只显示字节),即

dumpbin "simpleCsharp.exe" /disasm /out:"simpleCsharp_dump.txt"

本机代码输出生成的文件甚至与我在调试的反汇编中看到的内容不太相似。我在 dumpbin 的文件中甚至没有看到来自调试反汇编的任何指令或值。因此(上面)的两行本机代码无处可寻。无论我在 Visual Studio (2010) 生成的程序集上运行 dumpbin 还是使用 ngen.exe生成原生镜像,并对原生镜像文件simpleCsharp.ni.exe运行dumpbin。

优化在“调试”中开启,并且构建设置为“发布”,我运行“调试”的程序集与我提供给 ngen 的程序集之间的唯一区别是“调试信息”=“无”。

dumpbin simpleCsharp.ni.exe /disasm

以下是当我在本机映像文件上运行 dumpbin 时 simpleCsharp 程序的反汇编:

https ://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B9u9yFU99BOcYjNmNGRmNTItZjQ0NC00YmI0LWEyZTQtNjdkNDdhYTc2MmNm&hl=en

我至少希望看到数字 FEFEFE 或 EEEEEE 显示在 dumpbin 的输出中,并且它确实显示在调试中拆卸。

有人可以解释一下为什么我在同一程序的本机映像文件的 dumpbin 输出中看不到一行 Debug 反汇编代码吗?如果是因为优化,您介意提供一些细节吗?


Suppose this is my program simpleCsharp.exe:

namespace simpleCsharp
    public class Program
         public static int Main(string[] args)
                uint x = 0xFEFEFE;
                uint y = 0xEEEEEE;
                uint z;
                uint[] list = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 };
                uint[] array = { 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD };
                z = x + y + list[2] + array[1];
                z = z - (y << 1);
                return 0;           

If I view the disassembly of a simple C# program in Debug's Disassembly window, the native code output at least makes some sense. For example, here is the Debug's disassembly of Main, with Optimization on:

uint x = 0xFEFEFE;
00000000  push        ebp 
00000001  mov         ebp,esp 
00000003  sub         esp,28h 
00000006  xor         eax,eax 
00000008  mov         dword ptr [ebp-14h],eax 
0000000b  mov         dword ptr [ebp-18h],eax 
0000000e  mov         dword ptr [ebp-4],ecx 
00000011  cmp         dword ptr ds:[037D14ACh],0 
00000018  je          0000001F 
0000001a  call        763B370F 
0000001f  xor         edx,edx 
00000021  mov         dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],edx 
00000024  xor         edx,edx 
00000026  mov         dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],edx 
00000029  xor         edx,edx 
0000002b  mov         dword ptr [ebp-20h],edx 
0000002e  xor         edx,edx 
00000030  mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],edx 
00000033  xor         edx,edx 
00000035  mov         dword ptr [ebp-10h],edx 
00000038  mov         dword ptr [ebp-8],0FEFEFEh 
uint y = 0xEEEEEE;
0000003f  mov         dword ptr [ebp-0Ch],0EEEEEEh 
uint z;
uint[] list = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 };
00000046  mov         edx,5 
0000004b  mov         ecx,79882916h 
00000050  call        FD95FD70 
00000055  mov         dword ptr [ebp-24h],eax 
00000058  lea         ecx,[ebp-14h] 
0000005b  mov         edx,37D25E0h 
00000060  call        761A4716 
00000065  lea         eax,[ebp-14h] 
00000068  push        dword ptr [eax] 
0000006a  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-24h] 
0000006d  call        761A47F3 
00000072  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-24h] 
00000075  mov         dword ptr [ebp-1Ch],eax 
uint[] array = { 0xA, 0xB, 0xC, 0xD };
00000078  mov         edx,4 
0000007d  mov         ecx,79882916h 
00000082  call        FD95FD70 
00000087  mov         dword ptr [ebp-28h],eax 
0000008a  lea         ecx,[ebp-18h] 
0000008d  mov         edx,37D25ECh 
00000092  call        761A4716 
00000097  lea         eax,[ebp-18h] 
0000009a  push        dword ptr [eax] 
0000009c  mov         ecx,dword ptr [ebp-28h] 
0000009f  call        761A47F3 
000000a4  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-28h] 
000000a7  mov         dword ptr [ebp-20h],eax 
z = x + y + list[2] + array[1];
000000aa  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-8] 
000000ad  add         eax,dword ptr [ebp-0Ch] 
000000b0  mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp-1Ch] 
000000b3  cmp         dword ptr [edx+4],2 
000000b7  ja          000000BE 
000000b9  call        763B6900 
000000be  add         eax,dword ptr [edx+10h] 
000000c1  mov         edx,dword ptr [ebp-20h] 
000000c4  cmp         dword ptr [edx+4],1 
000000c8  ja          000000CF 
000000ca  call        763B6900 
000000cf  add         eax,dword ptr [edx+0Ch] 
000000d2  mov         dword ptr [ebp-10h],eax 
z = z - (y << 1);
000000d5  mov         eax,dword ptr [ebp-0Ch] 
000000d8  add         eax,eax 
000000da  sub         dword ptr [ebp-10h],eax 
return 0;           
000000dd  xor         eax,eax 
000000df  mov         esp,ebp 
000000e1  pop         ebp 
000000e2  ret 

However, if I run DUMPBIN on the same C# assembly (with Debug Info = "None" so it doesn't just show bytes), i.e.

dumpbin "simpleCsharp.exe" /disasm /out:"simpleCsharp_dump.txt"

the native code output in the generated file doesn't even closely resemble what I viewed in Debug's Disassembly. I don't see even a single instruction or value from the Debug's Disassembly in the file from dumpbin. So the 2 lines of native code (above) are nowhere to be found. This is the case whether I run dumpbin on the assembly generated from Visual Studio (2010) or I use ngen.exe to generate a native image, and run dumpbin on the native image file simpleCsharp.ni.exe.

Optimization is on in Debug, and build is set to Release, the only difference between the assembly I run Debug on, and the assembly I give to ngen, is Debug Info = "None".

dumpbin simpleCsharp.ni.exe /disasm

Here is the disassembly of the simpleCsharp program when I run dumpbin on the native image file:


I would at least expect to see the number FEFEFE or EEEEEE show up in the output of dumpbin somewhere, and it does show up in Debug Disassembly.

Could someone please explain why I don't see one line of Debug's disassembly code in the dumpbin output from the native image file, for the same program? If it's because of optimization, would you mind giving a little detail?


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只是偏爱你 2024-11-05 04:44:28

您忘记了即时编译器。程序集不包含机器代码,它是在运行时由程序集中的 IL 的抖动生成的。您可以使用 ildasm.exe 或 Reflector 等工具查看程序集中的 IL。 Dumpbin.exe 支持很差,它可以转储 CLR 标头,仅此而已。

请注意,ngen-ed 图像包含通过抖动优化的机器代码。该优化器极大地改变了机器代码。调试器中的优化默认处于关闭状态。要查看它,您必须调试发布版本并更改调试器选项。工具+选项、调试、常规,取消选中“抑制模块加载时的 JIT 优化”选项。另请注意,生成的代码可能在某些地方完全不同,因为它是预编译的而不是即时编译的。抖动可以做得更好,因为它具有预先无法获得的知识。

You are forgetting about the just-in-time compiler. An assembly doesn't contain machine code, it is generated at runtime by the jitter from the IL in the assembly. You can look at the IL in the assembly with tools like ildasm.exe or Reflector. Dumpbin.exe has poor support, it can dump the CLR header, that's about it.

Beware that the ngen-ed image contains machine code that was optimized by the jitter. That optimizer alters the machine code a great deal. Optimization is off by default in the debugger. To see it, you have to debug the Release build and change a debugger option. Tools + Options, Debugging, General, untick the "Suppress JIT optimization on module load" option. Also beware that the generated code can be just plain different in places because it was precompiled instead of jitted. The jitter can do a better job because it has knowledge that isn't available up front.

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