Dependency Injection (Inversion of Control) is a set of principles and patterns that you can use to compose loosely coupled code. It's a prerequisite that the code is loosely coupled. A DI Container isn't going to make your code loosely coupled.
Since the library should not have any dependency on the ioc framework itself we included ioc config xml-files with the standard configuration for that lib. That was modular in theory because every dll had its own sub config. All sub-configs were then assembled to become a part of the main confing.
But in reality this aproach was error prone and too interdependent: one lib config had to know about properties of others to avoid duplicates.
My conclusion: either use @Chris Ballard "poor man's dependency injection" or handle all dependencies in on big ugly tightly coupled config-module of the main app.
private IMyDependency dependency;
public MyClass(IMyDependency dependency)
this.dependency = dependency;
public MyClass() : this(new MyDefaultImplementation())
Depending on how complex your framework is, you may get away with handcoding constructor based dependency injection, with a parameterless default constructor (which uses the normal concrete implementation) but with a second constructor for injecting the dependency for unit test purposes, eg.
private IMyDependency dependency;
public MyClass(IMyDependency dependency)
this.dependency = dependency;
public MyClass() : this(new MyDefaultImplementation())
依赖注入(控制反转)是一组可用于编写松散耦合代码的原则和模式。前提是代码是松耦合的。 DI 容器不会使您的代码松散耦合。
您需要找到一种方法将 UI 呈现与 UI 逻辑分离。有很多演示模式描述了如何做到这一点:模型视图控制器、模型视图呈现器、演示模型等。
Dependency Injection (Inversion of Control) is a set of principles and patterns that you can use to compose loosely coupled code. It's a prerequisite that the code is loosely coupled. A DI Container isn't going to make your code loosely coupled.
You'll need to find a way to decouple your UI rendering from UI logic. There are lots of Presentation Patterns that describe how to do that: Model View Controller, Model View Presenter, Presentation Model, etc.
Once you have good decoupling, DI (and containers) can be used to compose collaborators.
由于库不应该对 ioc 框架本身有任何依赖,因此我们将 ioc 配置 xml 文件包含在该库的标准配置中。理论上这是模块化的,因为每个 dll 都有自己的子配置。然后将所有子配置组装起来,成为主配置的一部分。
我的结论是:要么使用@Chris Ballard“穷人的依赖注入”,要么处理主应用程序的大而丑陋的紧密耦合配置模块中的所有依赖项。
Since the library should not have any dependency on the ioc framework itself we included ioc config xml-files with the standard configuration for that lib. That was modular in theory because every dll had its own sub config. All sub-configs were then assembled to become a part of the main confing.
But in reality this aproach was error prone and too interdependent: one lib config had to know about properties of others to avoid duplicates.
My conclusion: either use @Chris Ballard "poor man's dependency injection" or handle all dependencies in on big ugly tightly coupled config-module of the main app.
Depending on how complex your framework is, you may get away with handcoding constructor based dependency injection, with a parameterless default constructor (which uses the normal concrete implementation) but with a second constructor for injecting the dependency for unit test purposes, eg.