Prolog 的炫酷、视觉传达用途
我将只向几乎没有编程经验的学生教授一堂关于基本 Prolog 的讲座。我希望他们看到编程和 Prolog 可以在现实世界中使用,甚至可以做很酷的事情。
您对使用 Prolog 的酷应用程序有什么建议吗?我特别寻找可以以视频或幻灯片形式显示的内容。
I will be teaching only one lecture on basic Prolog to students with little to no experience in programming. I'd like them to see that programming and Prolog can be used in the real world, perhaps even to do cool things.
I have looked at this and this threads, but I cannot find anything that is visually appealing that I can show them when we wrap up the lecture.
Do you have any suggestions for cool applications that use Prolog? I'm especially looking for something that can be shown as a video or slideshow.
如果你对这篇内容有疑问,欢迎到本站社区发帖提问 参与讨论,获取更多帮助,或者扫码二维码加入 Web 技术交流群。

IBM Watson 系统中使用 prolog 进行自然语言处理
IBM 的 Watson 超级计算机在危险边缘摧毁了所有人类
If what you want is to highlight the uses of prolog and use audio-visual media merely for presentation purposes, combining the following 2 links might do it:
Natural language processing with prolog in the IBM Watson system
IBM's Watson supercomputer destroys all humans in Jeopardy
Dynalearn 在 Prolog 中实现并具有动画。
Dynalearn is implemented in Prolog and has animations.
请参阅: /Prolog/index.html
在“La librairie clpfd”下,有指向此类中使用的 3 个有限域约束动画(N-Queens、Sudoku、Knight Tour)的链接。
under "La librairie clpfd", there are links to 3 finite domain constraint animations (N-Queens, Sudoku, Knight Tour) that are used in this class.
InFlow 是用 Prolog 编写的。您可以浏览示例和/或联系作者了解详细信息。 VisiRule 也可能有帮助。
免责声明:我没有使用过 InFlow 或 VisiRule,但我使用过 WIN-Prolog,这是这两个程序使用的环境。
InFlow is written in Prolog. You may browse through the examples and / or contact the author for details. VisiRule might also help.
Disclaimer: I have not used either InFlow or VisiRule, but I do use WIN-Prolog which is the environment used for both programs.
维西鲁+1。据我所知(我已经对这个主题进行了大量研究),它是一种独特的可视化编程工具(我不知道有任何其他可视化工具可以轻松地简化为图灵完备的语言)。我已经用它和各种其他解决方案实现了一个故障排除网站。强烈推荐 - 版本 5 也即将推出。
+1 for Visirule. It is, as far as I can tell (and I've researched this topic quite a lot) a unique visual programming tool (I don't know of any other visual tool that is easily reduced to a turing-complete language). I have implemented a trouble-shooting website with it along with various other solutions. Highly recommended- version 5 coming out soon too.