1061:通过静态类型 Class 的引用调用可能未定义的方法 gotoAndStop
我明白我哪里出了问题,但是当我像你说的那样更改实例名称时,我 1120:访问未定义的属性 SnakePart。顺便说一句,所有这些代码都位于文档类级别,并且影片剪辑位于库中而不是舞台上
I see where i was going wrong however when i change the instance name like you said i 1120: Access of undefined property snakePart. all of this code btw is at document class level and the movieclips are in the library not on stage
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实例在舞台上吗?命名实例时,请勿将它们命名为与类名相同的名称。 Flash 会感到困惑,因为您正在导入一个名为 SnakePart 的类,但您有一个名为 ... SnakePart 的实例。相反,将其命名为其他名称(即snake_part)或至少更改大小写(即snakePart - 不推荐,因为它可能会导致一些调试问题)。
更改您的实例名称,更改此代码snakePart.gotoAndStop(2),您应该会很满意。除非您的动作脚本位于 Flash 的一部分(即位于另一帧上或不在 Document 类级别中 - 首选且推荐),否则该对象尚未实例化。
要实例化库 movieclip,请在构造函数内的 Document 类级别中尝试以下操作:
Is the instance on the stage? When you name instances, don't name them identical to your class name. Flash gets confused because you're importing a class called SnakePart but you have an instance called ... SnakePart. Instead, name it something else (i.e. snake_part) or at least change the case (i.e. snakePart - not recommended as it can lead to some issues debugging).
Change your instance name, change this code snakePart.gotoAndStop(2) and you should be gravy. Unless your actionscript is in a part of the flash (i.e. on another frame or not in the Document class level - preferred and recommended) that the object hasn't been instantiated yet.
To instantiate a library movieclip, try this in your Document class level, inside your constructor :
您正在类定义“SnakePart”上调用 gotoAndStop,而不是该类的实例,如
var Snake_part:SnakePart = new SnakePart();
You are calling gotoAndStop on the class definition "SnakePart" instead of an instance of the class, as in
var snake_part:SnakePart = new SnakePart();
it does what it says on the tin really, you have not defined a static method in the class that you are calling, presumably you are meaning to call an instance of the class instead.