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让我首先澄清一下(在你们解雇我之前),这不是家庭作业问题,我也不是大学生。 :)

编辑 感谢@Klas 和其他人,我的问题现在归结为一个需要以编程方式解决的数学方程。

我正在寻找一种解决线性丢番图方程的算法/代码。 对于像我这样的普通人来说,这样的方程如下所示:

示例 1:3x + 4y + 5z = 25(查找 x、y、z 的所有可能值)

示例 2:10p + 5q + 6r + 11s = 224(查找 p,q,r,s 的所有可能值)

示例 3:8p + 9q + 10r + 11s + 12t = 1012(查找所有p、q、r、s、t 的可能值)

我尝试谷歌搜索但无济于事。我本以为已经编写了一些代码来解决这个问题。如果你们遇到过某种已经实现了这一点的图书馆,请告诉我。如果解决方案是用 Java 编写的,那么没有什么比这更酷的了!算法/伪代码也可以。非常感谢。

Let me start off by clarifying that(before you guys dismiss me), this is not a homework problem and I'm not a university student. :)

Thanks to @Klas and others, my question now boils down to a mathematical equation which needs to be solved programmatically.

I'm looking for an algorithm/code which solves Linear Diophantine Equation.
For lesser mortals like me, here's how such an equation looks like:

Example 1: 3x + 4y + 5z = 25 (find all possible values of x,y,z)

Example 2: 10p + 5q + 6r + 11s = 224 (find all possible values of p,q,r,s)

Example 3: 8p + 9q + 10r + 11s + 12t = 1012 (find all possible values of p,q,r,s,t)

I tried googling to no avail. I would have thought that some code would already be written to solve this. Do let me know if you guys have come across some kind of library which has already implemented this. And if the solution is in Java, nothing can be cooler!. Algorithm/pseudo code will also do. Thanks much.

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烟花肆意2024-11-04 21:56:40




Of the multiplicands, let M be the largest.
Calculate C=floor(F/M).
If F=M*C, output solution of the form (0,0,...,C) and decrement C
If M is the only multiplicand, terminate processing
Loop from C down to 0 (call that value i)
  Let F' = F - i*M
  Recursively invoke this algorithm:
    The multiplicands will be the current set minus M
    The goal value will be F'
  For each solution output by the recursive call:
     append i to the coefficient list and output the solution

Brute-force recursion is an option, depending on how large you will allow the value or number of values to become.

Assumptions: The user inputs (the multiplicands) are always distinct positive integers. The coefficients to be found must be non-negative integers.


Of the multiplicands, let M be the largest.
Calculate C=floor(F/M).
If F=M*C, output solution of the form (0,0,...,C) and decrement C
If M is the only multiplicand, terminate processing
Loop from C down to 0 (call that value i)
  Let F' = F - i*M
  Recursively invoke this algorithm:
    The multiplicands will be the current set minus M
    The goal value will be F'
  For each solution output by the recursive call:
     append i to the coefficient list and output the solution
我不咬妳我踢妳2024-11-04 21:56:40

我碰巧为此编写了 Java 代码。请帮助自己。这些解决方案尚未经过广泛测试,但到目前为止似乎运行良好。

package expt.qp;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class LinearDiophantine {

    private Map<Integer, Integer> sol = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    private Map<Integer, Integer> coeff = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Fill up the data
        // 3x + 4y + 5z + 3a = 25
        LinearDiophantine ld = new LinearDiophantine();
        ld.coeff.put(1, 1);ld.coeff.put(2, 2);ld.coeff.put(3, 3);ld.coeff.put(4, 4);
        Map<Integer, Integer> coeffCopy = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(ld.coeff);
        int total=30;

        // Real algo begins here
        ld.findPossibleSolutions(total, coeffCopy);


    private void findPossibleSolutions(int total, Map<Integer, Integer> coeff) {
        int index=returnLargestIndex(coeff);
        int range = (int) Math.floor(total/coeff.get(index));
        if(range*coeff.get(index) == total) {
            sol.put(index, range);
        if(coeff.size() == 1) {
        while(range>=0) {
            int remTotal = total - range*coeff.get(index);
            Map<Integer, Integer> coeffCopy = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(coeff);
            sol.put(index, range);
            findPossibleSolutions(remTotal, coeffCopy);

    private void displaySolution() {
        int total = 0;
        for(int i : sol.keySet()) {
            //System.out.print(coeff.get(i)+"("+sol.get(i)+"), ");
            total = total + (coeff.get(i)*sol.get(i));
        if(total != 30)

     * @param coeff
    private int returnLargestIndex(Map<Integer, Integer> coeff) {
        int largestKey = coeff.keySet().iterator().next();
        for(int i : coeff.keySet()) {
            if(coeff.get(i)>coeff.get(largestKey)) {
        return largestKey;


I happened to write Java code for this. Please help yourself. The solutions are not extensively tested, but it seems to work well so far.

package expt.qp;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Map;

public class LinearDiophantine {

    private Map<Integer, Integer> sol = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, Integer>();
    private Map<Integer, Integer> coeff = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>();

     * @param args
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Fill up the data
        // 3x + 4y + 5z + 3a = 25
        LinearDiophantine ld = new LinearDiophantine();
        ld.coeff.put(1, 1);ld.coeff.put(2, 2);ld.coeff.put(3, 3);ld.coeff.put(4, 4);
        Map<Integer, Integer> coeffCopy = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(ld.coeff);
        int total=30;

        // Real algo begins here
        ld.findPossibleSolutions(total, coeffCopy);


    private void findPossibleSolutions(int total, Map<Integer, Integer> coeff) {
        int index=returnLargestIndex(coeff);
        int range = (int) Math.floor(total/coeff.get(index));
        if(range*coeff.get(index) == total) {
            sol.put(index, range);
        if(coeff.size() == 1) {
        while(range>=0) {
            int remTotal = total - range*coeff.get(index);
            Map<Integer, Integer> coeffCopy = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(coeff);
            sol.put(index, range);
            findPossibleSolutions(remTotal, coeffCopy);

    private void displaySolution() {
        int total = 0;
        for(int i : sol.keySet()) {
            //System.out.print(coeff.get(i)+"("+sol.get(i)+"), ");
            total = total + (coeff.get(i)*sol.get(i));
        if(total != 30)

     * @param coeff
    private int returnLargestIndex(Map<Integer, Integer> coeff) {
        int largestKey = coeff.keySet().iterator().next();
        for(int i : coeff.keySet()) {
            if(coeff.get(i)>coeff.get(largestKey)) {
        return largestKey;

坏尐絯2024-11-04 21:56:40




This is a mathematical question rather than a programming one. Once you have a suitable algorithm, impelementing it shouldn't be too hard.

I suggest you google on Diophantine Equations.

I found an explanation for you.

橘味果▽酱2024-11-04 21:56:40


希尔伯特的第十个问题询问是否存在一种算法来确定任意丢番图方程是否有解。对于一阶丢番图方程的求解,确实存在这样的算法。然而,尤里·马蒂亚塞维奇 (Yuri Matiyasevich) 在 1970 年证明了获得通用解决方案的不可能性

摘自:Wolfram MathWorld

Adding on to Klas' very accurate answer:

Hilbert's 10th problem asked if an algorithm existed for determining whether an arbitrary Diophantine equation has a solution. Such an algorithm does exist for the solution of first-order Diophantine equations. However, the impossibility of obtaining a general solution was proven by Yuri Matiyasevich in 1970

taken from: Wolfram MathWorld

待天淡蓝洁白时2024-11-04 21:56:40

暴力算法如下(3 个变量的情况):

int sum = 25;
int a1 = 3;
int a2 = 4;
int a3 = 5;
for (int i = 0; i * a1 <= sum; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; i * a1 + j * a2 <= sum; j++) {
        for (int k = 0; i * a1 + j * a2 + k * a3 <= sum; k++) {
            if (i * a1 + j * a2 + k * a3 == sum) {
                System.out.println(i + "," + j + "," + k);

为了将其推广到 N 个变量的情况,您需要转换为递归形式。

对于某些函数f,该算法是O(f(size, a)^N)

  • 我们可以按如下方式在 f 上设置界限:size / MaxValue(a) <= f(size, a) <= size / MinValue(a)
  • 在最坏的情况下(所有 a[i] 都是 1),f(size, a)size< /代码>。

无论哪种方式,对于较大的 N 值来说,这都是相当可怕的。因此,虽然递归 N 变量算法会更优雅,但它可能不太实用。

如果您愿意向 Springer Verlag 支付 34 欧元,这里有一篇论文的链接,其中(根据摘要)包括解决 N 变量情况的算法。

A brute force algorithm is as follows (3 variable case):

int sum = 25;
int a1 = 3;
int a2 = 4;
int a3 = 5;
for (int i = 0; i * a1 <= sum; i++) {
    for (int j = 0; i * a1 + j * a2 <= sum; j++) {
        for (int k = 0; i * a1 + j * a2 + k * a3 <= sum; k++) {
            if (i * a1 + j * a2 + k * a3 == sum) {
                System.out.println(i + "," + j + "," + k);

To generalize this for the N variable case, you need to convert into a recursive form.

This algorithm is O(f(size, a)^N) for some function f.

  • We can place bounds on f as follows: size / MaxValue(a) <= f(size, a) <= size / MinValue(a).
  • In the worst case (where all of the a[i]s are 1) f(size, a) is size.

Either way, this is pretty horrendous for large values of N. So while the recursive N variable algorithm would be more elegant, it is probably not very practical.

If you are willing to fork out 34 Euro's to Springer Verlag, here's a link to a paper which (according to the abstract) includes an algorithm for solving the N variable case.

绮筵2024-11-04 21:56:40


让我们从最简单的情况开始,有两个未知数 a*x + b*y = c

第一步是使用 欧几里得算法来求ab的GCD,我们称之为d 。作为奖励,该算法提供了 x'y',使得 a*x' + b*y' = d。如果 d 不能整除 c,则无解。否则,解决方案是:

x = x' * (c/d)
y = y' * (c/d)

第二步,找到所有解决方案。这意味着我们必须找到所有 pq,使得 a*p + b*q = 0。如果 (x,y)(X, Y) 都是解,那么

a * (X-x) + b * (Y-y) = 0

答案是 p = b/d 并且q = -a/d 其中 d = GCD(a,b) 并且已在步骤 1 中计算出来。现在的通用解决方案是:

x = x' * (c/d) + n * (b/d)
y = y' * (c/d) - n * (a/d)

其中 n 是整数。


There are either no, or infinitely many solutions. It is often the case that you have an extra constraint that the solution must match. Is this the case in your problem?

Let's start with the most simple situation where there are two unkowns a*x + b*y = c:

The first step is using the Euclidean algorithm to find the GCD of a and b, let's call itd. As a bonus, the algorithm provides x' and y' such that a*x' + b*y' = d. If d doesn't divide c, then there is no solution. Otherwise, a solution is:

x = x' * (c/d)
y = y' * (c/d)

The second step is to find all solutions. This means we must find all p and q such that a*p + b*q = 0. For if both (x,y) and (X, Y) are solutions, then

a * (X-x) + b * (Y-y) = 0

The answer to this is p = b/d and q = -a/d where d = GCD(a,b) and is already calculated in step 1. The general solution now is:

x = x' * (c/d) + n * (b/d)
y = y' * (c/d) - n * (a/d)

where n is an integer.

The first step is easy to extend to multiple variables. I am not sure about generalizing the second step. My first guess would be to find a solution for all pairs of coefficients and combine these solutions.

隱形的亼2024-11-04 21:56:40

这是 Perl 中的解决方案。而是使用正则表达式进行黑客攻击。



$_ = 'o' x 40;
$a = 'o' x 3;
$b = 'o' x 2;
$c = 'o' x 5;
$_ =~ /^((?:$a)+)((?:$b)+)((?:$c)+)$/;
print "x = ", length($1)/length($a), "\n";
print "y = ", length($2)/length($b), "\n";
print "z = ", length($3)/length($c), "\n";

输出 3x + 2y + 5z = 40: x=11, y = 1, z = 1

著名的 最古老的钢琴谜题最终是一个 3 变量方程

此方法适用于 条件变量实际上为正且常数为正。

This is a solution in Perl. rather a hack by using Regex.

Following this blog post to solve algebraic equations using regex.

we can use the following script for 3x + 2y + 5z = 40

$_ = 'o' x 40;
$a = 'o' x 3;
$b = 'o' x 2;
$c = 'o' x 5;
$_ =~ /^((?:$a)+)((?:$b)+)((?:$c)+)$/;
print "x = ", length($1)/length($a), "\n";
print "y = ", length($2)/length($b), "\n";
print "z = ", length($3)/length($c), "\n";

output: x=11, y = 1, z = 1

the famous Oldest plays the piano puzzle ends up as a 3 variable equation

This method applies for a condition that the variables are actually positive and the constant is positive.

时光倒影2024-11-04 21:56:40

没有库可以执行此操作的原因类似于您找不到库来执行排列的原因 - 您生成了如此多的数据,这可能是错误的做法。

更准确地说,如果您有 n 个变量,其总和为 X,那么您将拥有 O(Xn-1)答案。 Xn 不必非常大,这也会成为问题。

也就是说,这里有一些 Python 可以相当有效地计算出对答案进行编码的所有必要信息:

def solve_linear_diophantine (*coeff_tuple):
    coeff = list(coeff_tuple)
    constant = coeff.pop()

    cached = []
    for i in range(len(coeff)):
        # Add another cache.

    def solve_final (i, remaining_constant):
        if remaining_constant in cached[i]:
            return cached[i][remaining_constant]
        answer = []
        if i+1 == len(coeff):
            if 0 == remaining_constant%coeff[i]:
                answer = [(remaining_constant/coeff[i], [])]
            for j in range(remaining_constant/coeff[i] + 1):
                finish = solve_final(i+1, remaining_constant - j*coeff[i])
                if finish is not None:
                    answer.append((j, finish))
        if 0 == len(answer):
            cached[i][remaining_constant] = None
            return None
            cached[i][remaining_constant] = answer
            return answer

    return solve_final(0, constant)

当我说“编码”时,数据结构如下所示。对于每个可能的系数,我们将获得一个 (coefficient, [subanswers]) 数组。只要有可能,它就会重用子答案以使数据结构尽可能小。如果你不能,你可以递归地将其扩展回一系列答案,这样做会非常高效。 (事实上​​,它的复杂度为O(nX)。)您只需很少的逻辑重复就能一遍又一遍地发现相同的事实。 (但是,返回的列表可能会变得非常大,因为要返回大量答案。)

The reason why there is no library that does this is similar to why you won't find a library to do permutations - you generate so much data that this is probably the wrong thing to do.

More precisely, if you have n variables whose sum totals X, then you will have O(Xn-1) answers. X and n don't have to be very large for this to become an issue.

That said, here is some Python that fairly efficiently figures out all of the necessary information to encode the answer:

def solve_linear_diophantine (*coeff_tuple):
    coeff = list(coeff_tuple)
    constant = coeff.pop()

    cached = []
    for i in range(len(coeff)):
        # Add another cache.

    def solve_final (i, remaining_constant):
        if remaining_constant in cached[i]:
            return cached[i][remaining_constant]
        answer = []
        if i+1 == len(coeff):
            if 0 == remaining_constant%coeff[i]:
                answer = [(remaining_constant/coeff[i], [])]
            for j in range(remaining_constant/coeff[i] + 1):
                finish = solve_final(i+1, remaining_constant - j*coeff[i])
                if finish is not None:
                    answer.append((j, finish))
        if 0 == len(answer):
            cached[i][remaining_constant] = None
            return None
            cached[i][remaining_constant] = answer
            return answer

    return solve_final(0, constant)

When I say "encode", the data structure looks like this. For each possible coefficient, we'll get an array of (coefficient, [subanswers]). Whenever possible it reuses subanswers to make the data structure as small as possible. If you cant you can recursively expand this back out into an array of answers, and in so doing you'll be pretty efficient. (In fact it is O(nX).) You'll do very little repeating of logic to discover the same facts over and over again. (However the returned list may get very large simply because there is a large list of answers to be returned.)

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