Since you've tagged the question "Photoshop", I'm going to assume that you have a copy of Photoshop.
Open the image you want to rotate in Photoshop.
From the "Image" menu, click "Rotate".
In the dialog box that appears, enter the number of degrees that you want to rotate the image.
Save the file.
If you don't have Photoshop, you will need to download and install an image manipulation program. Since this is an icon, I recommend IcoFX. It's a free download, and an incredibly powerful icon editor.
由于您已将问题标记为“Photoshop”,因此我假设您拥有 Photoshop 的副本。
如果您没有 Photoshop,则需要下载并安装图像处理程序。由于这是一个图标,我推荐 IcoFX。它是免费下载的,并且是一个非常强大的图标编辑器。
Since you've tagged the question "Photoshop", I'm going to assume that you have a copy of Photoshop.
If you don't have Photoshop, you will need to download and install an image manipulation program. Since this is an icon, I recommend IcoFX. It's a free download, and an incredibly powerful icon editor.