如何在 Rhino Mocks 3.6 中将 Expect 设置为扩展方法
public class Person{
public int ID {get;set}
public string Name {get;set}
public static class Helper {
public static int GetToken(this Person person){
int id = 0;
//Something here is done to read token from another service...
return id;
public void readPersonToken(int personId) {
var person = Person.GetPersonInfo(personId);//we consume a service here
Console.Writeline(person.GetToken());//get token is consuming another service
var _interface = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IMyInterface>();
_interface.Expect(x => x.GetPersonInfo(2))
.Return(new Person { ID=2, Name = "A Stubbed Monica!" });
Good afternoon
I have a class and it has an associated extension method.
public class Person{
public int ID {get;set}
public string Name {get;set}
Extension method:
public static class Helper {
public static int GetToken(this Person person){
int id = 0;
//Something here is done to read token from another service...
return id;
Now I am trying to use Rhino and test this method
public void readPersonToken(int personId) {
var person = Person.GetPersonInfo(personId);//we consume a service here
Console.Writeline(person.GetToken());//get token is consuming another service
Supposing I am writing my test and have already an interface that calls GetPersonInfo()
var _interface = MockRepository.GenerateMock<IMyInterface>();
and the main Expect is
_interface.Expect(x => x.GetPersonInfo(2))
.Return(new Person { ID=2, Name = "A Stubbed Monica!" });
how can I create a test for the extension metod GetToken?
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扩展方法只是静态方法的语法糖。所以你真正需要的是能够在这里模拟静态方法。不幸的是,这在 Rhino Mocks 中是不可能的。
有关更多详细信息,请参阅以下 StackOverflow 线程
使用 Rhino.Mocks模拟 模拟静态方法您需要一个模拟框架,该框架实际上使用 CLR 分析器来拦截方法调用。正如该线程提到的,TypeMock 应该能够做到这一点。
Extension methods are just syntatic sugar for static methods. So what you really need is the ability to mock the static method here. Unfortunately this is not possible in Rhino Mocks.
See the following StackOverflow thread for more details
To mock a static method you need a mocking framework which actually uses the CLR profiler to intercept method calls. As the thread mentions TypeMock should be able to do this.
Mono 2.4 和 RhinoMocks 3.5 中的扩展方法
It should be possible by creating Stub for the extension methods.
Extension methods in Mono 2.4 and RhinoMocks 3.5