未包含 Qooxdoo contrib 库
Qooxdoo 似乎正是我想要开发的网络应用程序,但我在尝试将 contrib 库包含到我的项目中时遇到了问题。谁能告诉我我做错了什么?
我的 config.json 的相关部分:
"libraries" :
"library" :
"manifest" : "contrib://SkeletonApplication/trunk/Manifest.json"
"mainfest" : "contrib://CollapsablePanel/trunk/Manifest.json",
"uri" : "../contrib/CollapsablePanel/trunk"
我尝试过使用和不使用 uri 条目;使用 contrib://、清单和 uri 条目的相对和绝对路径。
据我所知,“generate.py source-all -w”甚至没有寻找 contrib 库:有很多“- 包括”行输出,但根本没有关于“contrib”的内容。
我在我的 Linux 机器上本地使用 Qooxdoo 1.3。
Qooxdoo seems to be exactly what I want to develop my web app, but I'm running into problems trying to include a contrib library into my project. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
Relevant part of my config.json:
"libraries" :
"library" :
"manifest" : "contrib://SkeletonApplication/trunk/Manifest.json"
"mainfest" : "contrib://CollapsablePanel/trunk/Manifest.json",
"uri" : "../contrib/CollapsablePanel/trunk"
I've tried with and without the uri entry; using contrib://, relative and absolute paths for the manifest and uri entries.
As far as I can tell, 'generate.py source-all -w' isn't even looking for the contrib library: there are a whole lot of "- including " lines output but nothing at all about "contrib".
I'm using Qooxdoo 1.3 locally on my Linux box.
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The file wasn't highlighted and I didn't realise it was commented out.