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Closed 8 years ago.
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看看 Cobra
他们声称它基于 Microsoft DLL (.NET3.5) - (Interop.UIAutomationClient.dll、UIAComWrapper.dll、WUIATestLibrary.dll)
我设法将它与 python 一起使用来测试 HTMLlayout 应用程序。
Take a look on Cobra
They claimed it based on Microsoft DLL's (.NET3.5) - (Interop.UIAutomationClient.dll, UIAComWrapper.dll, WUIATestLibrary.dll)
I manage to use it with python for testing HTMLlayout app.
这也许是您想要使用的。它允许您使用 python 调用 UIAutomation,您需要做的只是更新演示文件。https://github.com/hengzi/PyUIAutomation
This maybe what you would like to use.It allows you to call UIAutomation using python and what you need to do is just update the demo file.https://github.com/chengzi/PyUIAutomation