数据库中不同实体的相同数据 - 最佳实践 - 电话号码示例
Given a database system which deals with Staff, Customers and Suppliers, all of which have multiple possible phone numbers, how would you go about storing these numbers in a nice normalised way? I have a had a little think about and the logical way isn't jumping out at me.
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大多数情况下。 。 。
号码是 123-456-7890?”,你必须
'n' 是不同的数量
您需要实现超类型/子类型模式。(PostgreSQL 代码,未经严格测试。)
In most cases . . .
There are serious problems with having separate tables of staff phone numbers, supplier phone numbers, and customer phone numbers.
phone number changes, does a customer
phone number also need to be updated? How do you know which one to update?
supplier's phone number changes, does a customer
phone number also need to be updated? How do you know which one to update?
for phone numbers in every table that
stores phone numbers.
customer's phone number changes. Now
you have to check to see whether
staff and supplier phone numbers
also need to be updated.
number is 123-456-7890?", you have to
look in 'n' different tables, where
'n' is the number of different
"kinds" of parties you deal with. In
addition to staff, customers, and
suppliers, think "contractor's
phones", "prospect's phones", etc.
You need to implement a supertype/subtype schema. (PostgreSQL code, not rigorously tested.)
To stretch this out a little further, a table to implement "staff" needs to reference the person subtype, not the party supertype. Organizations can't be on staff.
If suppliers can only be organizations, not individuals, then a table implementing suppliers would reference the organizations subtype in a similar way.
For most companies, a customer can be either a person or an organization, so a table implementing customers should reference the supertype.
但是,这样的字段越多,你就越应该考虑某种“继承”或集中化。如果有其他联系信息以及多个电话号码,您可以在集中表“联系人”中包含这些通用值。联系人。特定于客户、供应商等的字段将位于单独的表中。例如,“客户”表将有一个返回“联系人”的 ContactID 外键。
The most straightforward way is probably best. Even if a Staff, Customer, or Suppliers all had a location for phone, cell phone, and fax number, it it probably best to just put those fields on each table.
But, the more such fields you have, the more you should consider some sort of "inheritance" or centralization. If there is other contact information, as well as multiple phone numbers, you could have these common values on a centralized table, Contacts. Fields specific to being a Customer, Supplier, etc., would be on separate tables. The Customer table, for example, would have a ContactID foreign key back to Contacts.
如果联系信息不稳定和/或对于应用程序来说确实很重要,那么更多的标准化可能会更好。这意味着拥有一个 PHONE_NUMBER 表,您的各种 CUSTOMER、SUPPLIER、EMPLOYEE 表(等)可以指向该表 - 或者更有可能通过联系人类型、联系人个人(客户/供应商/员工)和联系人之间的某种三向交集来引用联络点(电话)。通过这种方式,您可以将员工的家庭电话号码作为其客户记录的主要业务号码,如果发生变化,则每次使用该联系点时都会更改一次。
另一方面,如果您存储电话号码只是为了它,并且您不使用它们并且可能不会维护它们,那么花费大量时间和精力进行建模并将这种复杂性构建到您的数据库中是不会的。不值得,您可以在“客户”、“供应商”、“员工”或您拥有的其他内容上使用老式的“电话 1”、“电话 2”、“电话 3”... 列。这是糟糕的数据库设计,但它是良好的系统开发实践,因为它应用 80/20 规则来确定项目优先级。
I think the decision needs to be based on a practical assessment of how important this contact information is, how often it changes and how much overlap there might be between different types of people with phone numbers.
If the contact information is volatile and/or really central to the application, then more normalization will probably be better. This would mean having a PHONE_NUMBER table that your various CUSTOMER, SUPPLIER, EMPLOYEE tables (etc) could point to - or more likely be referenced with some kind of three-way intersection between contact type, contact individual (customer/supplier/employee) and contact point (phone). This way you can have an employee's home phone number be their customer records primary business number, and if it changes, it gets changed once for every usage of that contact point.
On the other hand, if you're storing phone numbers for the heck of it and you don't use them and probably won't maintain them, then spending a lot of time and effort modelling and building this sophistication into your database won't be worth it and you can do the good, old-fashioned Phone1, Phone2, Phone3,... columns on CUSTOMER, SUPPLIER, EMPLOYEE or what have you. This is bad database design but it is good system development practice insofar as it is applying the 80/20 rule to identifying project priorities.
So to sum up: If the data matters, do it right, if the data doesn't really matter, just slap it in - or better yet, leave it out altogether.
答案,作者:Mike Sherrill 'Cat Recall' 在 MariaDB 上运行,只有一个更改:'~' 需要变为 'LIKE'。
这是他在 MariaDB 上测试的示例。我还对使用单词而不是单个字符描述的类型进行了询问此处的更改。
The answer by Mike Sherrill 'Cat Recall' works on MariaDB with one single change: the '~' needs to become 'LIKE'.
Here's his example tested on MariaDB. I also made the change asked about here in regard to types being described using words rather than single chars.