C#“向后”将 Visual Studio 2010 .csproj 项目转换为 2008?
如何将 VS 2010 灵魂转换回 2008
我在 VS 2010 中有一个 .NET 3.5 项目。有没有办法将 VS 2010 .csproj 文件格式转换为 VS 2008 .csproj 文件格式,而无需使用 VS 2008 创建新项目并重新添加所有内容?工具还是实用程序?据我所知,Visual Studio仅提供升级路径。
我正在将应用程序源代码分发给 VS 2008 的用户。
Possible Duplicate:
how to convert a VS 2010 soultion back to 2008
I have a .NET 3.5 project in VS 2010. Is there a way to convert the VS 2010 .csproj file format to a VS 2008 .csproj file format without making a new project using VS 2008 and re-adding everything? A tool or utility? Visual Studio, as far as I know, only provides an upgrade path.
I'm distributing the app source to users of VS 2008.
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2008年至2010年的项目文件完全相同(不包括2010年添加的新类型)。只有解决方案文件有所不同,因此您可以在 2008 年创建一个解决方案文件并“添加现有项目”。
但是,如果您的目标是 .NET 4.0,那么您将会遇到问题,正如项目文件中的更改所认为的那样。 http://www.emmet-gray.com/Articles/ProjectConverter.htm有这些更改的详细信息,更重要的是,有一个可以为您完成这一切的程序。
The project files are exactly the same between 2008 and 2010 (excluding the new types added in 2010). Only the solution file varies, so you can create a solution file in 2008 and "Add Existing Project"
However if you're targetting .NET 4.0 then you're going to have problems, as thinks change in the project file. http://www.emmet-gray.com/Articles/ProjectConverter.htm has the details of those changes, and more importantly, a program to do it all for you.
您不需要创建新项目。我认为将项目属性中的目标框架从 4 更改为 3.5 应该可以解决问题。也许您还应该在文本编辑器中打开 .csproj 文件,并将 Visual Studio 的版本从 10 更改为 9 (但我不确定那里是否有这样的设置,也许它只存在于解决方案中)。
You don't need to create a new project. I think changing the target framework in the project properties from 4 to 3.5 should do the trick. Maybe you should also open the .csproj file in a text editor and change the version of visual studio from 10 to 9 (but I'm not sure there is such a setting there, maybe it only exists on solutions).
项目文件向后兼容。过去,当大多数其他开发人员在 VS2008 中工作时,我在 VS2010 中从事项目。
文件。如果 VS2008 不支持该项目类型,那么您会遇到的主要问题是。即 VS2008 不支持 MVC3,因此这些项目将无法加载。
Project files are backwardly compatible. In the past I have worked on projects in VS2010 when the bulk of other developers are working in VS2008.
Essentially I have created a new
file alongside the.2008.sln
file.The main area where you will hit pain is if the project type is not supported in VS2008. i.e. MVC3 is not supported with VS2008 so those projects would not load.