InDesign 内容到数据库
我们已创建 InDesign 文件,现在我们希望使用 InDesign 文件中可用的内容填充数据库。
是否有 SDK 可以读取 InDesign 文件内容并将其填充到数据库中?
或者请建议从 InDesign 填充数据库的最佳方法?
我知道 InDesign 文件可以导出 XML,然后可以将其导入到 DB...但是此过程需要大量手动工作来关联 InDesign 文件中内容之间的关系。
We have InDesign files created and now we would like to populate the database with content available in InDesign file.
Is there an SDK to read InDesign files content and populate it to database?
Or Please suggest the best approach to get database populated from InDesign?
I know there is an XML export from InDesign files and then that can be imported to DB... but this process has lot of manual work to tie-up relationships between the content in InDesign file.
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您可以使用 VBScript、VB6、VBA、VB.NET 和 ADO(ActiveX 数据对象)对 InDesign 脚本 API 进行编程,以写入数据库。
You can program the InDesign scripting API using VBScript or VB6 or VBA or VB.NET and ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) to write to a database.
脚本编写将是可行的方法。您可以直接从 Adobe 下载文档/SDK/教程来开始使用:。
Scripting would be the way to go. You can download documentation/SDKs/tutorials straight from Adobe to get started:
Hope this helps!
您可以导出到 XML,但导入到数据库将取决于数据的结构。数据库非常愚蠢。他们希望所有数据按字段名称排序。如果您有规范化的数据,例如第一个,最后一个,电话/第一,最后一个,电话/,那么数据库不会有问题。如果数据不遵循模式,则必须使用脚本。
You can export to XML but importing to a database would depend on the structure of the data. Databases are pretty stupid. They want all the data in order by field name. If you have regularized data, such as first,last,phone/first,last,phone/ the db won't have a problem. If the data doesn't follow a pattern, you'll have to use scripting.
使用“标签”功能标记要导出到数据库的 indesign 框架。
然后通过 apple 或 javascript 导出标记帧的内容。
Using the 'Tags' feature tag the indesign frames that you want to export into the database.
Then via apple or javascript export the contents of the tagged frames.
显然,据我所知,没有任何魔法。您可以根据文档中应用的样式生成 xml 结构,但这可能不符合您的数据库要求。我在这里支持很多人。编写脚本是必经之路。几年前,我使用了以前完全手工完成的目录来完成此操作。通过脚本,我们最终可以提取所有内容并将其注入数据库中。
Clearly there aren't any magic that I know of. You can generate a xml structure based on the applied styles within the document but that will probably not fit your database requirements. I second many people here. Scripting is the way to go. I did that a few years ago with a catalogue that was previously done all by hand. We could finally extract all teh contents and inject it within the database thanks to a script.
InDesign 文件中的内容大致可分为:
- 文本(来自文本框架)
- 图像(来自图形框架)
- 文件中的元信息(页面数、框架和其他布局信息)
为了使用 InDesign 文件内容更新数据库,我建议使用 InDesign 脚本并为每个框架提供一些唯一的自定义标识符(您可以使用 insertLabel()/extractLabel() 脚本 API 来完成此操作。完成此操作后,您可以锁定安全后事件(检查 CEP 文档以获取确切的事件名称)并准备完整的 JSON(使用自定义)。 InDesign 文档的框架 ID 和内容)。
之后,您可以将此 JSON 发送到数据库,并使用 ORM(例如学说)或自定义插件将相关字段映射到数据库表,具体取决于您使用的数据库。
Contents in the InDesign file can be broadly divided into:
- text(from the text frames)
- images(from the graphic frame)
- meta info from the file(no. of pages, frames and other layout information)
To keep the database updated with the InDesign file content, I will suggest to use the InDesign scripting and provide some unique custom identifier to each of the frames(you can use the insertLabel()/extractLabel() scripting API's to do that. Once you are done with this, you can latch on to the after safe event(check CEP docs for the exact event name) and prepare a complete JSON(with custom frame IDs and there content) of the InDesign document.
After that, you can send this JSON to the DB and map the relevant fields using an ORM(e.g. doctrine) or a custom plugin to the DB tables depending on what DB you are using.
Hope this helps!