i want to know if there is an algorithm to find the longest cyclic path in a directed weighted graph (i think this i a problem of finding the largest Hamiltonian sub-graph).
I need to start from one vertex and return to the same vertex, whit the most possible nodes traversed.
该问题是最优欧拉电路问题的特例,其中所有边权重均为 1;原问题是NP完全问题。此外,这个问题可以用来解决哈密顿图问题(当且仅当最优电路遍历所有节点时存在哈密顿环),因此即使有特殊情况的限制,它仍然是NP完全的。任何精确解(除非 P = NP)都需要指数时间。您可能会发现本文很有帮助;它描述了针对该问题的多项式时间近似算法,以及针对图的次数最多为 4 的情况的多项式时间算法:
This problem is a special case of the optimal euler circuit problem where all edge weights are 1; the original problem is NP-complete. Moreover, this problem can be used to solve the Hamiltonian Graph problem (a Hamiltonian cycle exists if and only if the optimal circuit traverses all nodes), so it remains NP-complete even with the special case restriction. Any exact solution will (unless P = NP) require exponential time. You may find this paper helpful; it describes a polynomial-time approximation algorithm for this problem, as well as a polynomial-time algorithm for cases where the graph has at most degree 4: