网站站长工具中的 /a 文件夹出现 404 错误
在 Google 网站管理员工具中,在抓取错误下,我的第一个 404 错误是“
我的网站中没有这样的东西,也没有指向它的链接”。出了什么问题,这是什么意思?在站点日志中,没有关于指向/a的404错误的错误。 W3C 检查器显示没有错误。我能做些什么?
In Google Webmaster Tools, under crawling errors, my number one 404 error is something called
There is no such thing in my site and there is no link to it. What is wrong, what does it mean? In the site log, there is no error about 404 error pointing to /a. W3C checker says no error. What can I do?
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不是你,一定是 Googlebot。 (这些都与 php 无关;
也许有人可以删除 php 标签。)我的 Google 网站管理员工具中有 8 个网站,而两个完全不相关的网站也显示了同样的内容。显示此问题的两个网站均不使用 PHP。
我唯一能想到的是 Google 机器人错误地解析了 HTML,并以某种方式将结束“a”标签附加到根 URL 上。听起来很愚蠢,但这是唯一可以解释此问题的多个不相关实例的方法。有人在 Google 论坛中就此问题发起过讨论吗?我不确定这会产生什么影响已经解决了根本问题,但我将其放入我的 htaccess 文件中,希望能够清除错误的 404 错误。 (编辑:这是 Google 推荐的解决方案。)
向 Google 帮助论坛报告:
编辑 2:
两个站点都经过 W3C 验证,并且都不使用 PHP。
“/a”来自 jQuery v1.5.2 内部。这是根本原因。
在 jQuery 本身中有这一行...
编辑 4:
使用 robots.txt 文件阻止它。 (根据 Google 的说法,这只会将网站管理员工具抓取错误从“404”更改为“被 robots.txt 阻止”)
编辑 5:
以下是Google 员工 JohnMu 在 我在 Google 网上论坛发起的帖子。看来我还是要坚持301了。
It's not you, it has to be the Googlebot. (none of this has to do with php;
perhaps somebody can remove the php tag.)I have eight sites in my Google Webmaster Tools and two totally unrelated sites are showing this same thing. Neither site showing this issue uses PHP.
The only thing I can think of is that Google's bot is incorrectly parsing the HTML and somehow appending closing "a" tags onto the root URL. Sounds stupid but it's the only thing that can explain multiple unrelated instances of this problem.Has anyone started a thread on this in the Google Forum yet?I'm not sure what effect this will have on the root problem but I put this in my htaccess file to hopefully clear out the false 404 errors. (Edit: this is the recommended solution by Google.)
Reported to Google Help Forum:
Both sites validate at the W3C and neither use PHP.
The "/a" is coming from inside jQuery v1.5.2. This is the root cause.
Within jQuery itself is this line...
Block it with the robots.txt file. (According to Google, this will only change the Webmaster Tools Crawl Error from a "404" to a "Blocked by robots.txt")
The following is a response from Google employee JohnMu on this issue in the thread I started at Google Groups. Looks like I'm going to stick with the 301 after all.
检查您的 Apache 错误日志。或者安装一个保存
的小 PHP 文件,如下所示:然后创建一个 .htaccess 文件以将对 /a 的调用重定向到此 PHP:
或者,您可以可以将您的 PHP 保存在名称
上,这样您就不需要重定向。Check your Apache error logs. Or install a small PHP file which saves the
like:Then create a .htaccess file to redirect calls to /a to this PHP:
Alternatively you can save your PHP on the name
, that way you do not need redirect.执行 301 重定向或以其他方式从您的网站站长工具帐户发出 URL 删除请求。
Do 301 redirection or otherwise do URL removal request form your web master tools account.
GWT--> Site configuration--> crawl access--> URL removal request