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Closed 13 years ago.
不,它不会振动。该行代码位于 SDK 中,因为其他设备使用相同的 SDK。同样,您可以使用 iPad 1 或 iPod 3 上的相机进行编码,但它不会执行任何操作。
No, it does not vibrate. That line of code is in the SDK because the same SDK is used for other devices. In the same way, you can code in use of the camera on an iPad 1 or an iPod 3, but it won't do anything.
我的 iPad 2 从来没有振动过,也没有任何设置表明它可以振动。
My iPad 2 has never vibrated, and there are no settings that indicate it can.
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不,它不会振动。该行代码位于 SDK 中,因为其他设备使用相同的 SDK。同样,您可以使用 iPad 1 或 iPod 3 上的相机进行编码,但它不会执行任何操作。
No, it does not vibrate. That line of code is in the SDK because the same SDK is used for other devices. In the same way, you can code in use of the camera on an iPad 1 or an iPod 3, but it won't do anything.
我的 iPad 2 从来没有振动过,也没有任何设置表明它可以振动。
My iPad 2 has never vibrated, and there are no settings that indicate it can.