测试空 Java 对象图的 Commons 方法?
boolean isEmpty(MyStruct myStruct) {
return (myStruct.getStringA() == null || myStruct.getStringA().isEmpty())
&& (myStruct.getListB() == null || myStruct.getListB().isEmpty());
Apache Commons、Spring 或其他一些 FOSS 实用程序是否能够递归地反射性地遍历对象图,并确定除了列表、数组、映射等的持有者之外,它基本上没有任何有用的数据?这样我就可以写:
boolean isEmpty(MyStruct myStruct) {
return MagicUtility.isObjectEmpty(myStruct);
I've found myself writing a method like this:
boolean isEmpty(MyStruct myStruct) {
return (myStruct.getStringA() == null || myStruct.getStringA().isEmpty())
&& (myStruct.getListB() == null || myStruct.getListB().isEmpty());
And then imagine this struct with lots of other properties and other nested lists, and you can imagine that this method gets very big and is tightly coupled to the data model.
Does Apache Commons, or Spring, or some other FOSS utility have the ability to recursively reflectively walk an object graph and determine that it's basically devoid of any useful data, other than the holders for Lists, Arrays, Maps, and such? So that I can just write:
boolean isEmpty(MyStruct myStruct) {
return MagicUtility.isObjectEmpty(myStruct);
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感谢 Vladimir 为我指明了正确的方向(我给了你一个赞成票!)虽然我的解决方案使用
Thanks to Vladimir for pointing me in the right direction (I gave you an upvote!) although my solution uses
rather thanBeanUtils
I did have to implement it but it wasn't hard. Here's the solution. I only did it for Strings and Lists since that's all I happen to have at the moment. Could be extended for Maps and Arrays.
您可以将 Appache Common
结合起来。you can combine Appache Common
method withBeanUtils.getProperties()
Hey Kevin, Haven't seen anything like the method you asked for (interested in it myself as well), however, have you considered using reflection to query your object on runtime?
您可以轻松地循环类的 getter 方法并决定实例是否设置了值,您可以根据 getter 的返回类型进一步决定结果。
I don't know a library that does this, but using reflection, it is not too hard to implement by yourself.
You can easily loop over getter methods of a class and decide whether the instance has a value set, you can further decide the outcome depending on the getter's return type.
The hard part is to define which members of a class you consider being "useful data". Just leaving out Lists, Maps and Arrays probably won't get you far.
I would actually consider writing your own Annotation type in order to "mark" the appropiate "useful" members (which could then be noticed+handled by the reflection code). I don't know if this is an elegant approach to your problem, since I don't know how many classes are affected.
我真的无法想象整个对象图中完全没有任何内容的东西会进入应用程序的情况。此外,到底什么才算是“空”呢?那只是指字符串和集合吗?仅包含空格的字符串会计数吗?那么数字呢……任何数字都会使对象非空,还是像 -1 这样的特定数字会被视为空?作为另一个问题,知道对象中是否没有内容通常似乎没有用......通常您需要确保特定字段具有特定数据等。有太多的可能性在我看来,像这样的通用方法是有意义的。
也许像 JSR-303 这样更完整的验证系统会更好。其参考实现是 Hibernate Validator。
I can't really imagine a situation where something completely devoid of any content in a whole object graph would get in to an application. Furthermore, what exactly would be considered "empty"? Would that just refer to strings and collections? Would a string with only whitespace count? What about numbers... would any number make the object non-empty, or would specific numbers like -1 count as empty? As yet another issue, it doesn't seem like it'd generally be useful to know if there is NO content in an object... typically you need to ensure that specific fields have specific data, etc. There are too many possibilities for some general method like this to make sense, in my opinion.
Maybe a more complete validation system like JSR-303 would work better. The reference implementation for that is Hibernate Validator.
尽管上述实用方法都不能通用。 (据我所知)唯一的方法是与空对象进行比较。创建对象的实例(未设置属性)并使用“.equals”方法进行比较。确保对于 2 个相等的非空对象和 2 个相等的非空对象, equals 正确实现为 true 。对于 2 个空对象为 true。
Although none of the above utility methods can be generic. The only way (to my knowledge) is to compare with a empty object. Create a instance of the object (with no properties set) and use ".equals" method to compare. Make sure that equals is properly implemented to true for 2 equal non empty objects & true for 2 empty objects.