Plone (XLIFF) 上的批量导入/导出翻译?
有一些 XLIFF 翻译产品
http://svn.plone。 org/svn/collective/Products.XLIFFMarshall/trunk/Products/XLIFFMarshall/
从网站导入/导出 HTML 内容的最佳方式是什么?翻译网站还是让翻译人员拥有用户帐户会更好?我们有过让翻译人员去编辑网站本身的糟糕经历,因为他们需要相当高的权限,例如翻译首页。
There are some XLIFF translation products
What would be the best way of import / export HTML'ish content from a site for translation or would it be better to let translators to have user accounts? We have had bad experience letting translators to go to edit the site itself, as they need quite high priviledges for example, translating the front page.
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如果翻译外包给一个或多个机构,由其内部分配工作,XLIFF 确实是一个好主意。一般来说,你不能指望译者在这里了解 Plone。 EEA ( 是使用这种方法的一个例子。
如果您有固定数量的自由译员或内部译员,您可以培训他们使用 Plone。但这取决于他们的技术能力,是否要给他们网站所有部分的编辑权。北欧理事会 ( 使用第二种方法。
I think it depends on the translators and the translation workflow.
If the translation is outsourced to one or several agencies, which internally distribute work, XLIFF is a really good idea. Generally you cannot expect the translators to learn about Plone here. EEA ( is one example of using this approach.
If you have a fixed number of freelance or in-house translators, you could train them to use Plone. But it depends on their technical ability, if you want to give them editor rights to all parts of the site or not. The Nordic Council ( uses this second approach.
So I'd say this isn't a technical problem, but one where you need to choose the right tool/workflow for the specific situation.