Closed 6 years ago.
来自 AutoIt 帮助文件。页面为函数参考->热键设置。无法设置以下热键:Win+B、D、E、F、L、M、R、U;和 Win+Shift+M
这些是内置的 Windows 快捷方式。注意:Win+B 和 Win+L 可能仅在 Windows XP 及更高版本上保留。
更简单的方法是例如将按键绑定在 Ctrl+F 上并习惯按下该键。
From the AutoIt help file. Page is Function Reference -> HotKeySet. The following hotkeys cannot be set: Win+B,D,E,F,L,M,R,U; and Win+Shift+M
These are built-in Windows shortcuts. Note: Win+B and Win+L might only be reserved on Windows XP and above.
Much easier is to for example bind the key on Ctrl+F and get used to pressing that.
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来自 AutoIt 帮助文件。页面为函数参考->热键设置。无法设置以下热键:Win+B、D、E、F、L、M、R、U;和 Win+Shift+M
这些是内置的 Windows 快捷方式。注意:Win+B 和 Win+L 可能仅在 Windows XP 及更高版本上保留。
更简单的方法是例如将按键绑定在 Ctrl+F 上并习惯按下该键。
From the AutoIt help file. Page is Function Reference -> HotKeySet. The following hotkeys cannot be set: Win+B,D,E,F,L,M,R,U; and Win+Shift+M
These are built-in Windows shortcuts. Note: Win+B and Win+L might only be reserved on Windows XP and above.
Much easier is to for example bind the key on Ctrl+F and get used to pressing that.