有没有办法让我可以直接交换模拟主题交换(我知道可以得到相反的结果:参见此处),但我的用例是,我已经部署了一个包含大量队列的直接交换器,每个队列都有路由键 mykeyprefix.queue_name_here
Is there a way I can have a direct exchange simulate a topic exchange (I know that the opposite can be obtained: see here), but my use case here is that I already have deployed a direct exchange with lots of queues, each queue having the routing key mykeyprefix.queue_name_here
and what I am trying to achieve is to have also a separate queue to which all of the messages from all the other queues end up for future analysis.
鉴于您的要求通过使用主题交换完全满足,我很好奇为什么您不能只使用它。您的生产者不会关心(因为他们只是将消息推送到 Exchange),而您的消费者也不需要更改(因为他们只是从可以绑定到任何类型的 Exchange 的队列中拉取)。至于迁移,您可以将队列绑定到两个 Exchange,然后将它们与旧的直接 Exchange 解除绑定。当您移动所有队列后,您可以删除直接交换,只留下您真正需要的主题交换。
I don't believe so, or at least not easily. Direct exchanges lack wildcard bindings, so the only option you'd have to do this with a direct exchange would be to add a duplicate queue for each of your possible routing keys and bind each of those new queues to the same exchange. Since you have lots of queues that's going to be quite messy.
Given that your requirement is met exactly by using a topic exchange, I'm curious as to why you can't just use that. Your producers won't care (since they just push messages to an Exchange) and your consumers won't need to change (since they just pull from a queue that could be bound to any type of Exchange). As for migration, you can bind the queues to both Exchanges and then unbind them from the old direct exchange. When you get every queue moved over you can then delete the direct exchange, leaving you with only that nice topic exchange that you really need.