有没有办法在缩放 UIScrollView 时获取触摸的中心点?
我可以缩放 UIScrollView,但不确定是否可以使内容从触摸的中心点缩放(因此更自然)。默认情况下,它只是通过缩放来缩放,而不考虑两个手指的中心。
I can zoom a UIScrollView, but not sure if it's possible to cause the content to zoom from the center point of the touches (so it's more natural). By default it just zooms by scaling and does not take the center of the two fingers into account.
I'm familiar with gesture recognizers, and will use those if this isn't possible. Just wanted to know if I missed something.
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I did something similar to this in one of my applications. I did just with the touch events. If you track each touch individual, you can mathematically find the center point of the touches. Then you can do the standard zooming, and also use the content offset properties of the scroll view to keep the center point of the touches in the same place even after the zooming. The key is determining how the scaling of the coordinates themselves will cause the "center point" to move, and then manually moving it back that amount.