HTML Canvas:保存图形元素以供其他用户稍后修改
I would like to face a problem for which I haven't seen a solution looking around in Internet. This is: I need to save the elements drawn by WEB users on a canvas space not as a flat image, but each one singularly. This in order to let the same user, or even other users, to modify every single element (drag-and-drop, erase, erase partially, ecc.) in a second moment. This should also help to eventually save a drawing history and restore it in next working sessions. All the examples I found were intended to save just a canvas flat image.
To better clarify: not necessary as layers, but for sure I thought to realize several different driving tools; a drawing element is the singular application/istance of a tool: a circle, a box, a added image, a straight line or even a free hand drawing that start from the moment of right button mouse click till it is released. Then the chance to save the elements state allowing to modify each one in a second moment.
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您无法使用画布本机执行此操作。您应该考虑使用第三方库。 Fabric 是一个专为执行您想要的操作而构建的库。
You can't do this natively with canvas. You should look at using a third party library. Fabric is a library that was built to do what you want.
基本思想是使用 convan 作为矢量形状(三角形、正方形、圆形等)、手动绘制图形的容器(参见示例 Drawing-app/) 和插入的图像使用户有机会保存/上传内容,而不是作为序列化图像,而是以原始格式保存每个独特的元素,以便在未来的工作会话中继续处理它们。
The base idea was to use convans as a container for vectorial shapes (triangles, squares, cirlces, etc.), manual drawn figures (see example and inserted images giving the chance to users to save/upload the content not as serialized image, but with each distinguished element in its original format in order to continue to work on them in a future work session.