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Closed 12 years ago.
我相信在将脚本嵌入到 APK 中后,您应该能够做到这一点。请在 android-scripting wiki 上查看此内容。
I believe you should be able to after you have embedded your script into an APK. Take a look at this on the android-scripting wiki.
但这个 APK 仍然需要安装解释器,这使得它不太舒服。 APK 包含一个引导安装程序,但它在模拟器上对我不起作用。
But this APK still requires an installed interpreter which makes it not really comfortable. The APK includes a bootstrap installer but that does not work for me on the emulator.
I've done this, and users seem okay with downloading the interpreter.
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我相信在将脚本嵌入到 APK 中后,您应该能够做到这一点。请在 android-scripting wiki 上查看此内容。
I believe you should be able to after you have embedded your script into an APK. Take a look at this on the android-scripting wiki.
但这个 APK 仍然需要安装解释器,这使得它不太舒服。 APK 包含一个引导安装程序,但它在模拟器上对我不起作用。
But this APK still requires an installed interpreter which makes it not really comfortable. The APK includes a bootstrap installer but that does not work for me on the emulator.
I've done this, and users seem okay with downloading the interpreter.