哪种解释语言可以在微芯片 PIC32 上运行?
我正在寻找一种适用于微芯片 PIC32 的解释语言。
目前,我发现 LUA 和 PAWN 可以工作,但在选择之前我想知道是否有其他一些语言可以在 PIC32 中工作。
I'm looking for an interpreted language that work on microchip PIC32.
Currently, I found that LUA and PAWN are working but before choosing I would like to know if some other languages are known to work in PIC32.
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有以下两种可用的 BASIC 解释器:
您可能还想调查移植现有的 Forth 实现需要花费多少精力(例如 pForth 或 LSE64) 到 PIC32。
There are these two BASIC interpreters available:
You might also want to investigate how much effort it would take to port an existing Forth implementation (e.g. pForth or LSE64) to PIC32.
Parallax 多年来一直为自己的 PIC 模块销售 BASIC 版本,
http://www. parallax.com/tabid/295/Default.aspx
虽然我相信那是 PIC16 和 PIC18。
StickOS 在多种 PIC 上运行,包括 PIC32。
UBW32 可能能够运行已编程的固件命令(基于文本)。UBW 是一个用于控制 I/O 和外设的非常好的项目...虽然更像宏语言而不是解释语言。
Parallax has sold their version of BASIC for their own PIC modules for years,
although that was PIC16 and PIC18 I believe.
StickOS runs on several PICs, including PIC32.
The UBW32 may have the capability to run firmware commands (text based) which are programmed in. UBW is a very good project for controlling I/O and peripherals... although more like a macro language than an interpreted language.
您可能还想考虑 EzSBC1 控制器。使用 BASIC 进行编程,包含 32 位变量、具有三角函数的 64 位浮点和大量指令,用于直接控制 I2C 外设、SPI 芯片和爱好伺服系统。它甚至有一条单行指令来读取 HDT11 和 DHT22 湿度和温度传感器的数据。该代码可以受密码保护。它有很棒的“入门”和“程序员手册”。
更多详细信息请参见http://ezsbc.com/index。 php/featured-products-list-home-page/ezsbc1.html
You may also want to consider the EzSBC1 controller. Programmed in BASIC with 32-bit variables, 64-bit floating point with trigonometric functions and lots of instructions for direct control of I2C peripherals, SPI chips and hobby servos. It even has a one line instruction to read data from the HDT11 and DHT22 humidity and temperature sensors. The code can be password protected. It has a great 'Getting Started' and 'Programmers Manual'.
More details here http://ezsbc.com/index.php/featured-products-list-home-page/ezsbc1.html