Why are you looking for this? It will be very difficult as there are many providers and they subclass their IP ranges.
Some schools may not have a publically defined block of IP addresses.
You could try contact ARIN link for information to start. It is doubtful there is a concrete list anywhere of all of these though as they change frequently enough that it would require a massive effort to maintain.
ping(上面的 url)
ping (url from above)
你为什么要找这个?这将非常困难,因为有许多提供商并且他们对自己的 IP 范围进行了子类化。
有些学校可能没有公开定义的 IP 地址块。
您可以尝试联系 ARIN 链接 以获取开始信息。令人怀疑的是,所有这些是否有一个具体的列表,尽管它们变化频繁,需要付出巨大的努力来维护。
Why are you looking for this? It will be very difficult as there are many providers and they subclass their IP ranges.
Some schools may not have a publically defined block of IP addresses.
You could try contact ARIN link for information to start. It is doubtful there is a concrete list anywhere of all of these though as they change frequently enough that it would require a massive effort to maintain.