UISplitViewController 肖像 - 工具栏中的弹出问题
我以Apple的教程为例,并将其插入到我的iPhone应用程序中,以使其具有通用性。 弹出窗口显示一个包含 4 个选项的菜单,每个选项都是一个 UIViewController。 如果我选择第二个,然后返回到第一个,即弹出按钮,它不会停留在工具栏按钮的位置 0 处,而是会稍微向右移动一点。 如果我转到第二个并再次返回,它会更向右移动。
I've take Apple's tutorial as example, and inserted in my iPhone app, to make it universal.
The popover shows a menu with 4 options, each a UIViewController.
If I select the 2nd, and then return to the first, the popover button, instead of staying in position 0 of the toolbar buttons, it goes a little more to the right.
If I go to the 2nd and back again, it goes more to the right.
What's wrong?
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听起来您正在将多个内容推送到 UISplitViewController 委托方法中的toolbar.items 中,或者更确切地说,您正在“将显示”委托方法中向toolbar.items 添加更多内容,但您并没有在其中删除所有内容你的“将隐藏”方法。如果您将代码发布到 UISplitViewController 委托方法中,我们也许能够提供更多帮助。
It sounds like you're pushing multiple things into the toolbar.items in your UISplitViewController delegate methods, or rather, you are adding more to toolbar.items in the "will show" delegate method, but you aren't removing all of them in your "will hide" method. If you post the code to your UISplitViewController delegate methods, we might be able to help more.
因为我所有的 ViewController 都是在 AppDelegate 中初始化的,所以每次在弹出菜单中选择一行时,我都需要删除 de barbutton。
这样,当显示 VC 时,按钮进入索引 0,并且不会进入工具栏的右侧。
Because all my ViewControllers are initialized in AppDelegate, i need to remove de barbutton each time i select a row in popover menu.
That way, when a VC is shown, the button goes in index 0, and does not go to the right in toolBar.