从 eclipse 插件调用调用层次结构
我想编写一个 Eclipse 插件,它可以获取类名列表,并向我返回一个在给定项目中引用它们的类表。 我在想是否可以使用 eclipse cal 层次结构。但不知道如何调用这个命令。有人可以帮我吗,提前致谢
I want to write an eclipse plugin which can take a list of class names and return me a table of classes where they are being referenced in a given project.
I was thinking if i can use eclipse cal hierarchy. But not sure how to invoke this command. could someone help me with this, Thanks in advance
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听起来您想要类似引用 - >工作区(Control + Shift + G)而不是调用层次结构?
您以前使用过此选项吗?它使用 FindReferencesAction,看一下这个类,您可以看到它基于当前选择的 IJavaElement 构建了一个搜索查询。
您可以使用它作为对多个 IJavaElement 进行搜索查询的基础吗?或者您想要自己的具体观点?
It sounds like you want something like References->Workspace (Control+Shift+G) rather than the call hierarchy?
Have you used this option before? It uses FindReferencesAction, take a look at this class and you can see it building up a search query based on the currently selected IJavaElement.
Could you use this as a basic for a search query on multiple IJavaElements? Or do you want your own specific view?
查看 OpenCallHierarchyAction org.eclipse.jdt.ui.internal.callhierarchy 包的类。这是内部 Eclipse 源代码,但您应该会对 run(ITextSelection Selection) 方法中的代码感兴趣。
Have a look at the OpenCallHierarchyAction class of the org.eclipse.jdt.ui.internal.callhierarchy Package. This is internal Eclipse source code, but the code in the run(ITextSelection selection) method should be interesting to you.
在你写这样的东西之前,一定要看看 JDepend4Eclipse,它可以做很多事情你需要。我过去曾使用它进行包级重构以及理解(和删除)循环依赖。
Before you write anything like this, make sure you take a look at JDepend4Eclipse, it may do much of what you need. I have used it in the past to do package-level refactoring as well as understanding (and removing) circular dependencies.
If it doesn't do what you need, you may want to peek at their source code.