为什么 ASP.Net MVC 可移植区域没有像 Rails 插件那样蓬勃发展?
我喜欢 MvcContrib 中可移植区域的想法。在阅读了它并构建了几个用于实践之后,我很惊讶地没有发现大量开源项目利用这种巧妙的方式在 MVC 应用程序之间分发功能。
作为一个经常使用 Rails 的人,我喜欢我可以找到几乎任何东西的插件。 (评论、身份验证、搜索、CMS、日志记录等)
但是,在搜索可移植区域时,我看到的唯一内容是示例和 OpenId 实现。
- 是不是太新了?
- 架构有问题吗?
- 难道开源社区不像 Ruby 世界那样繁荣吗?
I love the idea of the Portable Areas in MvcContrib. After reading up on it, and building a couple for practice, I was surprised not to find a plethora of open source projects leveraging this neat way to distribute features across MVC applications.
Being a guy who has messed around with Rails frequently, I love that I can find a plugin for just about anything. (Comments, Authentication, Search, CMS, Logging, etc.)
However, when searching for Portable Areas, the only ones I see are the samples and an OpenId implementation.
Where is the love for Portable Areas?
- Is it too new?
- Is there something wrong with the architecture?
- Is there just not as thriving an open source community as there is in Ruby world?
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虽然我无法回答您关于为什么没有大量插件使用可移植区域的问题,因为这是一个主观问题,但我可以告诉您为什么我不使用它们:因为它们依赖于自定义 VirtualPathProvider 如果您的网站已预编译并且我在发布前预编译了我的 Web 应用程序,则该虚拟路径提供商将不起作用。
我使用 NuGet 而不是可移植区域,并且开始出现大量使用此技术分发的包。
While I cannot answer your question about why there isn't a plethora of plugins using portable areas because this is a subjective question I can tell you why I don't use them: because they rely on custom VirtualPathProvider which don't work if your site is precompiled and I precompile my web applications before shipping.
I use NuGet instead of portable areas and there begin to be a plethora of packages distributed using this technology.