如何在编辑/添加模式下主题表单 - 选项小部件/内容分类小部件/其他权重 drupal
到目前为止,我想出了如何主题化表单视图,但我无法在编辑/添加中修改 CCK 的表单值/选项,它只是忽略我,有时当我进行表单更改时,我什至看不到选项数组...任何人都可以提供帮助并提供一些如何主题编辑/添加 cck 内置权重/内容分类权重的方法?
till now i figured out how to theme the view of the form but im unable to modify the form values / options of CCK in edit/add its just ignores me and sometimes i cant even see the options array when i do form alter.... anyone can help and give some method how to theme edit/add cck built in weights / content taxonomy weight?
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我邀请您在 hook_form_alter() 调用中使用 #theme 属性。更多信息>> http://api.drupal.org/api /drupal/developer--topics--forms_api_reference.html/6#theme
I invite you to use the #theme attribute in a hook_form_alter() call. More info on > http://api.drupal.org/api/drupal/developer--topics--forms_api_reference.html/6#theme
With that you can override how the form is rendered.