使用 svn 生成 diff 时如何忽略编码约定/风格?
使用 svn 生成 diff 时如何忽略编码约定?
while (variableIter.hasNext())
lModel = variableIter.next();
while (variableIter.hasNext()) {
lModel = variableIter
如果我运行 svn diff,我将得到以下 diff:
- while (variableIter.hasNext())
- {
- lModel = variableIter.next();
+ while (variableIter.hasNext()) {
+ lModel = variableIter
+ .next();
但我不希望它成为 diff 的一部分。我希望 svn 忽略这种编码风格的差异。那么,svn 中有什么选项可以帮助我做到这一点吗? 或者 是否有一个脚本或其他东西我可以在 svn 生成的 diff 上运行以仅吐出真实更改而不是编码风格更改?
How can we ignore coding convention while generating diff using svn?
To elaborate, I do not want to distinguish between the following two coding styles
while (variableIter.hasNext())
lModel = variableIter.next();
while (variableIter.hasNext()) {
lModel = variableIter
If I run a svn diff, I'll get the following diff:
- while (variableIter.hasNext())
- {
- lModel = variableIter.next();
+ while (variableIter.hasNext()) {
+ lModel = variableIter
+ .next();
But I do not want this to be part of the diff. I'd like svn to ignore this kind of coding style differences. So, is there any option in svn which can help me do this?
is there a script or something I could run on the svn generated diff to spit out only real changes and not the coding style changes?
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我不知道 svn 是否有内置函数可以做到这一点。不管怎样,你可以在提交之前使用一些工具来统一缩进你的代码,比如 C 语言的缩进工具 (http://www.gnu.org/software/indent/)。
或者您可以尝试使用此选项启动 diff:
svn diff -x -w
I don't know if svn has a builtin function to do that. Anyway you could use some tool to uniformily indent your code before submitting, like the indent tool for C (http://www.gnu.org/software/indent/).
Or you can try to launch the diff with this option:
svn diff -x -w
我们目前拥有适用于多种语言的 SmartDifferencers,包括 C、C++、C#、Java、JavaScript、PHP。
I can't help with the diff produced directly by subversion.
But once you realize the differences you are seeing are formatting related, then you might swith to an alternative
diff'ing tools. See our Smart Differencer tools. These tools are language-specific. They work by parsing the language and build abstract syntax trees, and then comparing the trees. That makes them completely whitespace (and comment) insenstitive; reformatting the code doesn't show up as a difference. The diffs are reported as language elements (operand, expression, statement, declaration, block, method, class, ...) and editing actions (move, delete, insert, copy, rename-variable-within block and are precise to the start line/column and end line/column.
We presently have SmartDifferencers for many languages, including C, C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, PHP.