在 Firefox 中打开并操作 Web 表单
我需要在 Firefox 浏览器中打开 winform 应用程序的链接。然后我想自动完成表单的输入(例如用户名和密码)并生成按钮单击(例如用于提交表单的登录按钮)。
我目前正在使用 Interop.SHDocVw.dll 对 IE 进行同样的思考,但我需要一个 firefox 实现。 mozilla的浏览器有这样的dll吗?我需要开发插件吗?或者也许我可能必须使用 UI 测试框架?
I need to open a link from a winform application in a firefox browser. Then I would like to autocomplete the form's inputs (like username and password) and generate a button click (a login button to submit the form for instance).
I'm currently doing the same think with IE using Interop.SHDocVw.dll, but I need a firefox implementation.
Is there such a dll for the mozilla's broswer? Do I need to develop a plugin? or maybe I might have to use a UI testing framework?
thanks for the answers!
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因此,我使用 Process start 启动 Firefox:
然后使用 USER32.DLL 查找并关注 Firefox 窗口:
它会移动焦点,就像我按 TAB 两次...有人知道发生了什么吗?
So I start Firefox using Process start:
I then use USER32.DLL to find and focus on the Firefox window:
I found the window's class and title thanks to spy++.
So my problem no is to move to the next input on the page... when I use this:
it moves the focus as is I pressed TAB 2 times.... Does anyone knows what's happening ?