我想让某个进程始终在后台运行,这样就可以在 Windows 的任务管理器中查看它,并使用我给它指定的具体名称。
实现此目的的一种方法是复制 Notepad.exe ,将其名称更改为某个名称,然后运行它。问题是我不想每次使用电脑时都打开记事本窗口。我需要它在后台运行。
如果有的话,我有 Windows 7。
I want to have a certain process always running in the background so it will be viewable in the Task Manager of windows, with the specific name I give it.
The process shouldn't do anything really, all I care about is to see the process name whenever I open the task manager and choose "processes".
One way to achieve this is to copy Notepad.exe , change its name to something and then run it. The problem is I don't want to have an open window of notepad everytime I'm using the PC. I need it to run on background.
If it matters, I have Windows 7.
Thank you.
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这是最简单的 Windows 程序。它绝对不执行任何操作,也不消耗 CPU。
You are looking for something like this:
This is the most simple Windows program. It does absolutely nothing and does not consume CPU.
I can't imagine why you want it, but this is what you describe!
这是最小的 C# 版本:
csc /target:winexe MyProg.cs
Here's a minimal C# version:
You can compile this from the command line:
csc /target:winexe MyProg.cs
好吧,如果最小化的 DOS 窗口不打扰您,那么这个 DOS 命令将非常轻量并且可以为您完成工作:
start /min more
Well if a minimized DOS window doesn't bother you then this DOS command will be very light weight and will do the job for you:
start /min more