为什么 Java 不允许在函数声明中省略形参名称?
我希望了解为什么Java 设计者选择以这种方式实现函数声明。我经常听说 Java 的设计者希望避免其他语言(例如 C++)中做出的糟糕设计选择——通过类的多重继承和运算符重载我想到的是——为了保持面向对象模型尽可能简单并鼓励良好的编程实践。在本案中是这样吗?此功能是否太昂贵而无法实现其提供的(无可否认的边际)收益?
不管怎样,很高兴听到人们对 SO 的一些想法。顺便说一句,相关部分 (8.4.1) Java 语言规范的 解释了是什么,但没有谈论为什么。
abstract void someFunc(int, int, int);
I'm looking to understand why Java designers chose to implement function declarations this way. I've often heard it said that the designers of Java wanted to avoid poor design choices made in other languages (e.g., C++) -- multiple inheritance via classes and operator overloading come to mind -- in order to keep the object-oriented model as simple as possible and to encourage good programming practices. Is that true in this case? Is this feature too expensive to implement vis-a-vis the (admittedly marginal) gains it provides?
The thing is, I can't see (and I'm still learning, so that probably means squat! :D) a significant implementation overhead in allowing the omission of formal parameter names in function declarations. And I can think of at least one example where this feature couldn't hurt: defining abstract functions.
Anyway, glad to hear some thoughts from people on SO. BTW, the relevant section (8.4.1) of the Java Language Specification explains what but doesn't talk about why.
EDIT: Adding a code snippet:
abstract void someFunc(int, int, int);
(I'm using an abstract function as this is one simple case I can think of where this feature would be handy).
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在 C 中,情况略有不同:声明和实现彼此独立(至少如果你做得“正确”的话)。在这里,将信息保留在一处可以避免重复。
但在 Java 中,没有单独的声明(除非您在接口中定义方法,在这种情况下没有实现,这意味着不再重复)。 只有实现。
Why should it allow this?
If a method definition had no names for its parameters, how would you actually use the parameters in your code?
In C the situation is slightly different: you have the declaration and the implementation independently of each other (at least if you do it "right"). Here, leaving the information out in one place avoids duplication.
But in Java there is no separate declaration (unless you're defining a method in an interface, in which case there's no implementation, which means no duplication again). There's only the implementation.
You can drop formal arguments by using overloading e.g.
EDIT: From my comment.
不同的答案表明您并不清楚您要问什么 - 在问题中举个例子会有所帮助。
。The different answers show it is not really clear what you are asking about - putting an example in the question would have helped.
I assume you would want to be able to write
instead of
are not used anywhere in the method (or the method is abstract, or similar).So, why not allow omitting them:
When I have arguments which are not used, I sometimes give them names like
I think it's just part of the same philosophy that makes things strongly typed, for instance. You are expected to know what a method is and how you're using it at compile-time.
It's about having an interface that always takes the parameters you expect and returns the results you expect and throws the exceptions you expect. If we have
Then the designers of Java are thinking: if you want to "Adder.add" two specific numbers, there's a method for that. You would never call this method with three or four parameters, because that just makes no sense for what that method is designed to do. If you want to make "Adder.add"s three or four numbers, you should make those methods separately.
Now perhaps this is a terrible contrived example, but part of my point was to agree that this language feature doesn't always make sense.
当然,如果您只命名参数 a 和 b,您的代码也可以正常工作,但您没有这样做。您称它们为国家或出生地。你用它来传达意义。
Java 的目的始终是迫使程序员尽可能做正确的事情,并且避免搬起石头砸自己的脚。这就是为什么它是这样设计的。
If you're talking about the names, not the arguments themselves, the reason is simple. When defining abstract methods you are defining an interface. For an interface to be usable, the person addressing it has to know the meaning of the arguments. That's what the names are for.
Sure, your code could work just as well if you would just name your arguments a and b, but you don't. You call them country or birthplace. You use it to convey meaning.
Java was always meant to force programmers to do the right thing as much as possible, and to make it hard to shoot yourself in the foot. That's why it was designed like this.
It would be a great feature, because you could get rid of that stupid annotation to ignore unused.
Let's say I had this:
So, the simple case:
But what about unit tests?
Sure would be nice to be able to omit the name for the unused parameter. Instead of having to overload, or use annotations to ignore the warning in this case, or other stuff.