JMS 和 ESB - 它们有何关系?
对我来说,JMS 和 ESB 似乎是非常相关的东西,我正在尝试了解它们到底是如何相关的。
我看到一句话说JMS可以用作ESB的传输——那么这样的ESB中除了传输之外还应该存在什么呢? JMS 是一个简单的 ESB,如果不是,那么它比真正的 ESB 缺少什么?
For me JMS and ESB seem to be very related things and I'm trying to understand how exactly they are related.
I've seen a sentence that JMS can be used as a transport for ESB - then what else except the transport should be present in such an ESB? Is JMS a simple ESB or if not, then what it lacks from the real ESB?
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您可以使用 ESB 轻松配置 JMS 消息代理。
JMS 和 ESB 都提供了不同应用程序之间的通信方式。 但是 JMS 和 ESB 的上下文不同。 JMS是为了简单的需要。 JMS是由JMS Provider实现的。它是 Java 特有的。
JMS 提供程序的示例有:Apache Active MQ、IBM MQ、HornetQ 等。
ESB 是为了满足复杂的需求。 ESB 是 EAI 中的一个组件,为各种应用程序提供通信设施。 它是通用的&不特定于 Java。 JMS 是受支持的协议之一。
ESB 提供程序的示例有:MuleESB、Apache Camel、OpenESB
使用案例:如果我们所有的通信应用程序都采用 Java 语言并且使用相同的消息格式,那么使用 ESB 可能会产生开销。这里 JMS 可能就足够了。
JMS 提供了一组用于消息传递的 API:将消息放入队列中,稍后某个时间(也许地理位置较远)的其他人将消息从队列中取出并进行处理。我们把消息提供者和消费者在时间和地点上进行了解耦。即使消息使用者碰巧停机一段时间,我们也可以继续生成消息。
JMS 还提供发布/订阅功能,生产者将消息放入“主题”,任何感兴趣的各方都可以订阅该主题,在生成消息时接收消息,但目前仅关注队列功能。
因此,这是基于内容的路由功能,并且是 ESB 提供的功能。请注意,ESB 使用 JMS 提供的基本排队功能。
ESB 获取版本 1 队列消息并将其转换为版本 2 消息并将它们放入版本 2 队列中。
消息转换是另一种可能的 ESB 功能。
看一下 ESB 产品,看看它们能做什么。当我在 IBM 工作时,我最熟悉 WebSphere ESB
JMS offers a set of APIs for messaging: put a message on a queue, someone else, sometime later, perhaps geographically far away takes the message off the queue and processes it. We have decoupled in time and location of the message provider and consumer. Even if the message consumer happens to be down for a time we can keep producing messages.
JMS also offers a publish/subscribe capability where the producer puts the message to a "topic" and any interested parties can subscribe to that topic, receiving messages as and when they are produced, but for the moment focus just on the queue capabilty.
We have decoupled some aspects of the relationship between provider and consumer. However some coupling remains. First, as things stand every message is processed in the same way. Suppose we want to introduce different kinds of processing for different kinds of messages:
Obviously we can write code like that, but an alternative would be to have a messaging system that can send different messages to different places we set up three queues:
And then all we need is a little bit of cleverness in the queue system itself to transfer then messsage from the Request Queue to the Platinum Queue or Standard Queue.
So this is a Content-Based Routing capability, and is something that an ESB provides. Note that the ESB uses the fundamental Queueing capabilities offered by JMS.
A second kind of couppling is that the consumer and producer must agree about the message format. In simple cases that's fine. But when you start to have many producers all putting message to the same queue you start to hit versioning problems. New message formats are introduced but you don't want to change all the existing providers.
And the ESB picks up the Version 1 Queue messages and transforms them into Version 2 messages and puts them onto the Version 2 queue.
Message transformation is another possible ESB capability.
Have a look at ESB products, see what they can do. As I work for IBM, I'm most familiar with WebSphere ESB