CUDA 和 HPC 中的一维问题

发布于 2024-10-21 18:26:00 字数 302 浏览 10 评论 0原文

我正在寻找 CUDA 和 HPC 中的一些一维问题,例如 Black Scholes。


我正在尝试为 CUDA 开发一个一维库,并且需要一些基准问题来测试它。我意识到很多现实世界的问题都是用二维表示的,我真的很想看到一些现实世界的一维问题。


编辑:感谢您的所有答案。如果答案包含更多 HPC 问题(例如 Black Scholes),而不仅仅是通用算法,那就太好了。 谢谢。

I'm looking for some 1D problems in CUDA and HPC, e.g. Black Scholes.

By 1D problems, I mean problems in which all the work is done on 1D arrays. Although matrix multiplication can be expressed in this way, I want problems in which the basic problem is just 1D.

I am trying to develop a 1D library for CUDA and would need some benchmark problems to test it. I realize that a lot of real world problems are expressed as 2D, I would really like to see some real world 1D problems.


EDIT: Thanks for all the answers. It'll be great if the answers contain more HPC problems, e.g. Black Scholes, rather than just generic algorithms.

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稚然 2024-10-28 18:26:00

并行编程中的一个常见问题是减少:给定一个数字数组,您必须计算“前缀和”,即每个元素存储所有前面元素的总和(+本身或不。我更喜欢包含) 。




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A common problem in parallel programing is a reduction: You are given an array of numbers and you have to compute a "prefix sum", that is, every element stores a sum of all preceidings elements (+ itself or not. I prefer inclusive).

It is fairly simple problem, but since it is often repeated many times in more complex algorithms, having that efficient is cruicial.

Another common problem is sorting.

There already some papers on that topic, take this one for example:

enter link description here

I think it is a good problem to start with, to solve bigger problems on top of it.

揪着可爱 2024-10-28 18:26:00

可以用于 1 到 3 维的一个简单问题是热方程。有几种不同的数值方法可以解决它,其中一些可以并行实现。

至少适用于 OpenMp 和 MPI 的方法是有限差分法。我想如果你将它与一个聪明的模板结合起来,你应该能够在 Cuda C 中有效地实现它。

A simple problem you can use for 1 to 3 dimensions is the heat equation. There are several different numerical methods for solving it, some of them can be implementes in parallel.

A method that works at least with OpenMp and MPI is the finite difference method. I suppose if you combine it with a clever stencil you should be able to implement it efficently in Cuda C.

假装爱人 2024-10-28 18:26:00


下面,我将利用 Jacobi 解决方案针对该主题发布一个具体的、完全运行的 CPU/GPU 示例。请注意,提供了两个时间步内核,一个不使用共享内存,一个使用共享内存

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <thrust\device_vector.h>

#include "Utilities.cuh"

#define BLOCKSIZE  512

void HeatEquation1DCPU(float * __restrict__ h_T, int *Niter, const float T0, const float Q_N_1, const float dx, const float k, const float rho, 
                       const float cp, const float alpha, const float dt, const float maxErr, const int maxIterNumber, const int N)
    float *h_DeltaT = (float *)malloc(N * sizeof(float));

    // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the left end.
    *h_T = T0;
    h_DeltaT[0] = 0.f;

    float current_max;
    do {
        // --- Internal region between the two boundaries.
        for (int i = 1; i < N - 1; i++) h_DeltaT[i] = dt * alpha * ((h_T[i - 1] + h_T[i + 1] - 2.f * h_T[i]) / (dx * dx));

        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the right end.
        h_DeltaT[N - 1] = dt * 2.f * ((k * ((h_T[N - 2] - h_T[N - 1]) / dx) + Q_N_1) / (dx * rho * cp));

        // --- Update the temperature and find the maximum DeltaT over all nodes
        current_max = h_DeltaT[0]; // --- Remember: h_DeltaT[0] = 0
        for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
            h_T[i] = h_T[i] + h_DeltaT[i]; // h_T[0] keeps
            current_max = abs(h_DeltaT[i]) > current_max ? abs(h_DeltaT[i]) : current_max;

        // --- Increase iteration counter

    } while (*Niter < maxIterNumber && current_max > maxErr);

    delete [] h_DeltaT;

__global__ void HeatEquation1DGPU_IterationKernel(float * __restrict__ d_T, float * __restrict__ d_DeltaT, const float T0, const float Q_N_1, const float dx, const float k, const float rho, 
                       const float cp, const float alpha, const float dt, const float maxErr, const int maxIterNumber, const int N)
    const int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    if (tid < N) {

        // --- Internal region between the two boundaries.
        if ((tid > 0) && (tid < N - 1) ) d_DeltaT[tid]  = dt * alpha *((d_T[tid - 1] + d_T[tid + 1] - 2.f * d_T[tid]) / (dx * dx));
        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the left end.
        if (tid == 0)                    d_DeltaT[0]    = 0.f;
        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the right end.
        if (tid == N - 1)                d_DeltaT[tid]  = dt * 2.f * ((k * ((d_T[tid - 1] - d_T[tid]) / dx) + Q_N_1) / (dx * rho * cp));

        // --- Update the temperature
        d_T[tid] = d_T[tid] + d_DeltaT[tid]; 

        d_DeltaT[tid] = abs(d_DeltaT[tid]);


__global__ void HeatEquation1DGPU_IterationSharedKernel(float * __restrict__ d_T, float * __restrict__ d_DeltaT, const float T0, const float Q_N_1, const float dx, const float k, const float rho, 
                       const float cp, const float alpha, const float dt, const float maxErr, const int maxIterNumber, const int N)
    const int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    // --- Shared memory has 0, 1, ..., BLOCKSIZE - 1, BLOCKSIZE locations, so it has BLOCKSIZE locations + 2 (left and right) halo cells.
    __shared__ float d_T_shared[BLOCKSIZE + 2];             // --- Need to know BLOCKSIZE beforehand

    if (tid < N) {

        // --- Load data from global memory to shared memory locations 1, 2, ..., BLOCKSIZE - 1
        d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 1] = d_T[tid];                 

        // --- Left halo cell
        if ((threadIdx.x == 0) && (tid > 0)) { d_T_shared[0] = d_T[tid - 1]; }          

        // --- Right halo cell
        if ((threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1) && (tid < N - 1)) { d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 2] = d_T[tid + 1]; } 


        // --- Internal region between the two boundaries.
        if ((tid > 0) && (tid < N - 1) ) d_DeltaT[tid]  = dt * alpha *((d_T_shared[threadIdx.x] + d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 2] - 2.f * d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 1]) / (dx * dx));

        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the left end.
        if (tid == 0)                    d_DeltaT[0]    = 0.f;

        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the right end.
        if (tid == N - 1)                d_DeltaT[tid]  = dt * 2.f * ((k * ((d_T_shared[threadIdx.x] - d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 1]) / dx) + Q_N_1) / (dx * rho * cp));

        // --- Update the temperature
        d_T[tid] = d_T[tid] + d_DeltaT[tid]; 

        d_DeltaT[tid] = abs(d_DeltaT[tid]);


void HeatEquation1DGPU(float * __restrict__ d_T, int *Niter, const float T0, const float Q_N_1, const float dx, const float k, const float rho, 
                       const float cp, const float alpha, const float dt, const float maxErr, const int maxIterNumber, const int N)
    // --- Absolute values of DeltaT
    float *d_DeltaT;    gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_DeltaT, N * sizeof(float)));

    // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the left end.
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_T, &T0, sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

    float current_max = 0.f;
    do {
        //HeatEquation1DGPU_IterationKernel<<<iDivUp(N, BLOCKSIZE), BLOCKSIZE>>>(d_T, d_DeltaT, T0, Q_N_1, dx, k, rho, cp, alpha, dt, maxErr, maxIterNumber, N);
        HeatEquation1DGPU_IterationSharedKernel<<<iDivUp(N, BLOCKSIZE), BLOCKSIZE>>>(d_T, d_DeltaT, T0, Q_N_1, dx, k, rho, cp, alpha, dt, maxErr, maxIterNumber, N);

        thrust::device_ptr<float> d = thrust::device_pointer_cast(d_DeltaT);  
        current_max = thrust::reduce(d, d + N, current_max, thrust::maximum<float>());

        // --- Increase iteration counter

    } while (*Niter < maxIterNumber && current_max > maxErr);


/* MAIN */
int main()
    // --- See

    // --- Parameters of the problem
    const float k           = 0.19f;                    // --- Thermal conductivity [W / (m * K)]
    const float rho         = 930.f;                    // --- Density [kg / m^3]
    const float cp          = 1340.f;                   // --- Specific heat capacity [J / (kg * K)]
    const float alpha       = k / (rho * cp);           // --- Thermal diffusivity [m^2 / s]
    const float length      = 1.6f;                     // --- Total length of the domain [m]
    const int N             = 64 * BLOCKSIZE;           // --- Number of grid points
    const float dx          = (length / (float)(N - 1));// --- Discretization step [m]
    const float dt          = (float)(dx * dx / (4.f * alpha));
                                                        // --- Time step [s]
    const float T0          = 0.f;                      // --- Temperature at the first end of the domain [C]
    const float Q_N_1       = 10.f;                     // --- Heat flux at the second end of the domain [W / m^2]
    const float maxErr      = 1.0e-5f;                  // --- Maximum admitted DeltaT
    const int maxIterNumber = 10.0 / dt;                // --- Number of overall time steps

    float *h_T_final_device = (float *)malloc(N * sizeof(float));       // --- Final "host-side" result of GPU calculations
    int Niter_GPU = 0;                                                  // --- Iteration counter for GPU calculations

    // --- Device temperature allocation and initialization
    float *d_T;     gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_T, N * sizeof(float)));
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemset(d_T, 0, N * sizeof(float))); 

    // --- GPU calculations
    HeatEquation1DGPU(d_T, &Niter_GPU, T0, Q_N_1, dx, k, rho, cp, alpha, dt, maxErr, maxIterNumber, N);

    // --- Transfer the GPU calculation results from device to host
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_T_final_device, d_T, N * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

    // --- Host temperature allocation and initialization
    float *h_T_final_host = (float *)malloc(N * sizeof(float));
    memset(h_T_final_host, 0, N * sizeof(float));

    int Niter_CPU = 0;

    HeatEquation1DCPU(h_T_final_host, &Niter_CPU, T0, Q_N_1, dx, k, rho, cp, alpha, dt, maxErr, maxIterNumber, N);

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        printf("Node = %i; T_host = %3.10f; T_device = %3.10f\n", i, h_T_final_host[i], h_T_final_device[i]);
        if (h_T_final_host[i] != h_T_final_device[i]) {
            printf("Error at i = %i; T_host = %f; T_device = %f\n", i, h_T_final_host[i], h_T_final_device[i]);
            return 0;

    printf("Test passed!\n");

    delete [] h_T_final_device;

    return 0;

A classical 1D example is provided by the heat equation.

Below, I'm posting a concrete, fully worked CPU/GPU example on this topic exploiting the Jacobi solution scheme. Please, note that two time-step kernels are provided, one not using shared memory and one using shared memory.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#include <thrust\device_vector.h>

#include "Utilities.cuh"

#define BLOCKSIZE  512

void HeatEquation1DCPU(float * __restrict__ h_T, int *Niter, const float T0, const float Q_N_1, const float dx, const float k, const float rho, 
                       const float cp, const float alpha, const float dt, const float maxErr, const int maxIterNumber, const int N)
    float *h_DeltaT = (float *)malloc(N * sizeof(float));

    // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the left end.
    *h_T = T0;
    h_DeltaT[0] = 0.f;

    float current_max;
    do {
        // --- Internal region between the two boundaries.
        for (int i = 1; i < N - 1; i++) h_DeltaT[i] = dt * alpha * ((h_T[i - 1] + h_T[i + 1] - 2.f * h_T[i]) / (dx * dx));

        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the right end.
        h_DeltaT[N - 1] = dt * 2.f * ((k * ((h_T[N - 2] - h_T[N - 1]) / dx) + Q_N_1) / (dx * rho * cp));

        // --- Update the temperature and find the maximum DeltaT over all nodes
        current_max = h_DeltaT[0]; // --- Remember: h_DeltaT[0] = 0
        for (int i = 1; i < N; i++)
            h_T[i] = h_T[i] + h_DeltaT[i]; // h_T[0] keeps
            current_max = abs(h_DeltaT[i]) > current_max ? abs(h_DeltaT[i]) : current_max;

        // --- Increase iteration counter

    } while (*Niter < maxIterNumber && current_max > maxErr);

    delete [] h_DeltaT;

__global__ void HeatEquation1DGPU_IterationKernel(float * __restrict__ d_T, float * __restrict__ d_DeltaT, const float T0, const float Q_N_1, const float dx, const float k, const float rho, 
                       const float cp, const float alpha, const float dt, const float maxErr, const int maxIterNumber, const int N)
    const int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    if (tid < N) {

        // --- Internal region between the two boundaries.
        if ((tid > 0) && (tid < N - 1) ) d_DeltaT[tid]  = dt * alpha *((d_T[tid - 1] + d_T[tid + 1] - 2.f * d_T[tid]) / (dx * dx));
        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the left end.
        if (tid == 0)                    d_DeltaT[0]    = 0.f;
        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the right end.
        if (tid == N - 1)                d_DeltaT[tid]  = dt * 2.f * ((k * ((d_T[tid - 1] - d_T[tid]) / dx) + Q_N_1) / (dx * rho * cp));

        // --- Update the temperature
        d_T[tid] = d_T[tid] + d_DeltaT[tid]; 

        d_DeltaT[tid] = abs(d_DeltaT[tid]);


__global__ void HeatEquation1DGPU_IterationSharedKernel(float * __restrict__ d_T, float * __restrict__ d_DeltaT, const float T0, const float Q_N_1, const float dx, const float k, const float rho, 
                       const float cp, const float alpha, const float dt, const float maxErr, const int maxIterNumber, const int N)
    const int tid = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;

    // --- Shared memory has 0, 1, ..., BLOCKSIZE - 1, BLOCKSIZE locations, so it has BLOCKSIZE locations + 2 (left and right) halo cells.
    __shared__ float d_T_shared[BLOCKSIZE + 2];             // --- Need to know BLOCKSIZE beforehand

    if (tid < N) {

        // --- Load data from global memory to shared memory locations 1, 2, ..., BLOCKSIZE - 1
        d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 1] = d_T[tid];                 

        // --- Left halo cell
        if ((threadIdx.x == 0) && (tid > 0)) { d_T_shared[0] = d_T[tid - 1]; }          

        // --- Right halo cell
        if ((threadIdx.x == blockDim.x - 1) && (tid < N - 1)) { d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 2] = d_T[tid + 1]; } 


        // --- Internal region between the two boundaries.
        if ((tid > 0) && (tid < N - 1) ) d_DeltaT[tid]  = dt * alpha *((d_T_shared[threadIdx.x] + d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 2] - 2.f * d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 1]) / (dx * dx));

        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the left end.
        if (tid == 0)                    d_DeltaT[0]    = 0.f;

        // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the right end.
        if (tid == N - 1)                d_DeltaT[tid]  = dt * 2.f * ((k * ((d_T_shared[threadIdx.x] - d_T_shared[threadIdx.x + 1]) / dx) + Q_N_1) / (dx * rho * cp));

        // --- Update the temperature
        d_T[tid] = d_T[tid] + d_DeltaT[tid]; 

        d_DeltaT[tid] = abs(d_DeltaT[tid]);


void HeatEquation1DGPU(float * __restrict__ d_T, int *Niter, const float T0, const float Q_N_1, const float dx, const float k, const float rho, 
                       const float cp, const float alpha, const float dt, const float maxErr, const int maxIterNumber, const int N)
    // --- Absolute values of DeltaT
    float *d_DeltaT;    gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_DeltaT, N * sizeof(float)));

    // --- Enforcing boundary condition at the left end.
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(d_T, &T0, sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));

    float current_max = 0.f;
    do {
        //HeatEquation1DGPU_IterationKernel<<<iDivUp(N, BLOCKSIZE), BLOCKSIZE>>>(d_T, d_DeltaT, T0, Q_N_1, dx, k, rho, cp, alpha, dt, maxErr, maxIterNumber, N);
        HeatEquation1DGPU_IterationSharedKernel<<<iDivUp(N, BLOCKSIZE), BLOCKSIZE>>>(d_T, d_DeltaT, T0, Q_N_1, dx, k, rho, cp, alpha, dt, maxErr, maxIterNumber, N);

        thrust::device_ptr<float> d = thrust::device_pointer_cast(d_DeltaT);  
        current_max = thrust::reduce(d, d + N, current_max, thrust::maximum<float>());

        // --- Increase iteration counter

    } while (*Niter < maxIterNumber && current_max > maxErr);


/* MAIN */
int main()
    // --- See

    // --- Parameters of the problem
    const float k           = 0.19f;                    // --- Thermal conductivity [W / (m * K)]
    const float rho         = 930.f;                    // --- Density [kg / m^3]
    const float cp          = 1340.f;                   // --- Specific heat capacity [J / (kg * K)]
    const float alpha       = k / (rho * cp);           // --- Thermal diffusivity [m^2 / s]
    const float length      = 1.6f;                     // --- Total length of the domain [m]
    const int N             = 64 * BLOCKSIZE;           // --- Number of grid points
    const float dx          = (length / (float)(N - 1));// --- Discretization step [m]
    const float dt          = (float)(dx * dx / (4.f * alpha));
                                                        // --- Time step [s]
    const float T0          = 0.f;                      // --- Temperature at the first end of the domain [C]
    const float Q_N_1       = 10.f;                     // --- Heat flux at the second end of the domain [W / m^2]
    const float maxErr      = 1.0e-5f;                  // --- Maximum admitted DeltaT
    const int maxIterNumber = 10.0 / dt;                // --- Number of overall time steps

    float *h_T_final_device = (float *)malloc(N * sizeof(float));       // --- Final "host-side" result of GPU calculations
    int Niter_GPU = 0;                                                  // --- Iteration counter for GPU calculations

    // --- Device temperature allocation and initialization
    float *d_T;     gpuErrchk(cudaMalloc(&d_T, N * sizeof(float)));
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemset(d_T, 0, N * sizeof(float))); 

    // --- GPU calculations
    HeatEquation1DGPU(d_T, &Niter_GPU, T0, Q_N_1, dx, k, rho, cp, alpha, dt, maxErr, maxIterNumber, N);

    // --- Transfer the GPU calculation results from device to host
    gpuErrchk(cudaMemcpy(h_T_final_device, d_T, N * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));

    // --- Host temperature allocation and initialization
    float *h_T_final_host = (float *)malloc(N * sizeof(float));
    memset(h_T_final_host, 0, N * sizeof(float));

    int Niter_CPU = 0;

    HeatEquation1DCPU(h_T_final_host, &Niter_CPU, T0, Q_N_1, dx, k, rho, cp, alpha, dt, maxErr, maxIterNumber, N);

    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) {
        printf("Node = %i; T_host = %3.10f; T_device = %3.10f\n", i, h_T_final_host[i], h_T_final_device[i]);
        if (h_T_final_host[i] != h_T_final_device[i]) {
            printf("Error at i = %i; T_host = %f; T_device = %f\n", i, h_T_final_host[i], h_T_final_device[i]);
            return 0;

    printf("Test passed!\n");

    delete [] h_T_final_device;

    return 0;
猛虎独行 2024-10-28 18:26:00


Reduction (finding min, max or sum of array) and Sorting are best examples of 1D problems. There can be many variables of these algorithms like sorting on structures etc

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