为生产 Plone 实例自动执行 ZODB 包的建议方法是什么?
查看 plone.org 以找到一种定期打包实例 ZODB 的方法,我只能找到 http://plone.org/documentation/faq/how-do-i-pack-the-zodb 没有讨论自动包,而只是手动启动的包。
我知道我可以使用 wget 或 curl 模拟手动包,但我想知道这是否是生产站点使用的最佳实践。
Looking at plone.org to find a way to periodically pack my instance's ZODB I could only find http://plone.org/documentation/faq/how-do-i-pack-the-zodb that doesn't talk about automated packs, but just manually initiated ones.
I know I can simulate the manual pack with wget or curl, but I'd like to know if that is the best practice in use for production sites.
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如果您使用 ZEO,您可以将以下内容添加到您的 Crontab 中来执行此操作:
如果您不想手动执行此操作,请将其添加到您的 buildout.cfg 中,上面的 crontab 条目将在您运行 bin/buildout 时自动添加:
If you are using ZEO you can add the following to your Crontab to do this:
If you don't want to do it manually, add this to your buildout.cfg and the crontab entry above will be added automatically when you run bin/buildout:
If you do not use ZEO:
我这样做(来自 https://raw.github.com/plock/pins/主/zeo):
I do it like this (from https://raw.github.com/plock/pins/master/zeo):
您可能需要查看 collective.migrator。其中有一个 pack_db 配方。
You may want to check out collective.migrator. It has a pack_db recipe among others.
将 zeopack 用于 ZEO(请参阅其他答案),将 zodbpack 用于 RelStorage(包含在内,请参阅 RelStorage 文档)。两者都很容易设置。
Use zeopack for ZEO (see other answers), and zodbpack for RelStorage (included, see RelStorage docs). Both are easy to set up.
有关 python/urllib 解决方案,请参阅:http://www.zope。 org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/2_6Edition/MaintainingZope.stx
For a python/urllib solution, see: http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/2_6Edition/MaintainingZope.stx
wget -O/dev/null -q --post-data='days:float=10' --user=adminuser --password=password http://localhost:PORT//Control_Panel/Database/main/manage_pack
如果您更喜欢 wget。
wget -O/dev/null -q --post-data='days:float=10' --user=adminuser --password=password http://localhost:PORT//Control_Panel/Database/main/manage_pack
If you prefer wget.